


Academic Books
Magdalina G. Janpoladyan
1959 - 1964 Student in the faculty of Philology, department of Russian language and literature (Yerevan State University)
1964 - 1967 PhD student in department of Armenian literature (Yerevan State University)

Academic degree
1968 - Candidate of philological sciences - Theme “Hovhannes Tumanyan and the national epos", Yerevan State University, Specialized Council of literature in the faculty of Armenian philology
2007 - Doctor of philological sciences - Theme “Armenian medieval literary monuments” (“David of Sasun”; “Book of tragedy” in Russian translations and criticism”), Specialized council of Armenian literature in Yerevan State University, Faculty of Philology

Professional experience
1967 - 1973 Senior lecturer in Yerevan State university, department of Armenian literature
1973 - 2007 Associate professor in Yerevan State University, department of Armenian literature
2007 - 2009 Associate professor in theory of Literature and criticizm in Yerevan State University
2009 till now Professor of theory of literature and criticizm in Yerevan State University
Lecturing in faculties of Russian philology and Armenian philology of Yerevan State University

Academic courses
History of Armenian literature in the faculty of Russian philology (YSU)
Master classes in MA courses devoted to Armenian-Russian literary relations, issues of making artistical translations: “Translation and the style", “Analysis of the translational text” (YSU)
Master classes in the faculty of Armenian philology “Tumanyan and the national folklore", “Theory of translation” (YSU)

Scale of professional interests
Armenian literature, Russian literature, Armenian-Russian and Russian-Armenian literary relations, issues of making artistical translations

Armenian, Russian

Professional membership (NGO, professional council, editorial staff of scientific journal, funds etc.)
• Member of the Yerevan State University’s specialized committee of literature awarding degrees of high scientific qualifications
• From 1984 is a member of the Writers' Union of Armenia
• From 2008 is a member of the specialized committee of literature, in the institute of Literature after M. Abeghyan, awarding degrees of high scientific qualifications in “Russian literature”

Awards received
In 2004 Medal after Sholokhov by municipal academy of Russia
In 2010 "Writers’ Union of Armenia" and "Russian - Armenian Slavonic academy’s" joint literary prize after Levon Mkrtchyan
Books published by the YSU