Margarita R. Yeghiazaryan
1990 - 1995: Yerevan State University, Department of International Economic Relations, Faculty of Economics, Economist with Specialization in International Economic Relations
1997 - 2000: Yerevan State University, Post graduate
1998 September - 1998 October: Cyprus International Institute of Management, Nicosia, Cyprus, “Certificate of Attendance of “Young Managers’’ Programme”
Covering following courses
• Market Economics
• Project Management
• Corporate Strategy
• Marketing Management
• Management Accounting
• Corporate Finance and Banking
• Information System
1998: Certificate of Attendance of courses in Management and Business, Presented by American Development Agency in Armenia
2004: Certificate in Business English (ESOL)* B, Vantage, Presented by University of Cambridge, Great Britain
Academic degree
2002: Candidate of Economy, awarded by the Supreme Certifying Commission of the Republic of Armenia
2006: Associate Professor, awarded by the Supreme Certifying Commission of the Republic of Armenia
Professional experience
1998 - up to now: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economic Theory, Associate Professor
1995 - 2008: Armenian Social Investment Fund (The World Bank project), Procurement Department, Specialist
2004: Social Capital NGO, Vice Chairman
1998 - 2001: Scientific Centre of International Technologies, Project A-108-98 (Grant)
Synthesis of biologically active materials, Accountant
1995 February - 1996 September: Ministry of Urban Development of RA, Department of Prospective Development, Leading Specialist
1993 November - 1994 January: Yerevan Stock Exchange, 1 Category Specialist
Academic courses
Bachelors Degree
History of Economy
Theory of Economics, Macroeconomics
Theory of Transitional Economy
Master’s Degree
Social Economics
Labor Market and Migration Issues in Armenia
Participat8ion in grant projects
2006 - 2008: Analyses of the Labor Market in Armenia (the Contract signed between the Central Bank of RA and Yerevan State University)
2007: Preparing a Framework for Implementation of Employment Survey in Small and Medium Enterprises in Armenia (The Contract signed between the World Bank and ASIF)
2004 - 2007: Labor Market and Social-Economic Consequences of Migration in RA (Order of Yerevan State University)
2007 - 2010: Features and Regulatory Issues of Primitive Accumulation of Capital and Polarization of Income in Transitional Economy of Armenia (Theory, methodology and practice) (Order of Yerevan State University)
2011 - 2013: Calculation and Analyses and of the Loss of Human Capital in Armenia (the Contract signed between the Central Bank of RA and Yerevan State University)
Armenian, Russian, English
Professional membership
2004: “Social Capital” NGO, Vice President
1990 - 1995: Yerevan State University, Department of International Economic Relations, Faculty of Economics, Economist with Specialization in International Economic Relations
1997 - 2000: Yerevan State University, Post graduate
1998 September - 1998 October: Cyprus International Institute of Management, Nicosia, Cyprus, “Certificate of Attendance of “Young Managers’’ Programme”
Covering following courses
• Market Economics
• Project Management
• Corporate Strategy
• Marketing Management
• Management Accounting
• Corporate Finance and Banking
• Information System
1998: Certificate of Attendance of courses in Management and Business, Presented by American Development Agency in Armenia
2004: Certificate in Business English (ESOL)* B, Vantage, Presented by University of Cambridge, Great Britain
Academic degree
2002: Candidate of Economy, awarded by the Supreme Certifying Commission of the Republic of Armenia
2006: Associate Professor, awarded by the Supreme Certifying Commission of the Republic of Armenia
Professional experience
1998 - up to now: Yerevan State University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Economic Theory, Associate Professor
1995 - 2008: Armenian Social Investment Fund (The World Bank project), Procurement Department, Specialist
2004: Social Capital NGO, Vice Chairman
1998 - 2001: Scientific Centre of International Technologies, Project A-108-98 (Grant)
Synthesis of biologically active materials, Accountant
1995 February - 1996 September: Ministry of Urban Development of RA, Department of Prospective Development, Leading Specialist
1993 November - 1994 January: Yerevan Stock Exchange, 1 Category Specialist
Academic courses
Bachelors Degree
History of Economy
Theory of Economics, Macroeconomics
Theory of Transitional Economy
Master’s Degree
Social Economics
Labor Market and Migration Issues in Armenia
Participat8ion in grant projects
2006 - 2008: Analyses of the Labor Market in Armenia (the Contract signed between the Central Bank of RA and Yerevan State University)
2007: Preparing a Framework for Implementation of Employment Survey in Small and Medium Enterprises in Armenia (The Contract signed between the World Bank and ASIF)
2004 - 2007: Labor Market and Social-Economic Consequences of Migration in RA (Order of Yerevan State University)
2007 - 2010: Features and Regulatory Issues of Primitive Accumulation of Capital and Polarization of Income in Transitional Economy of Armenia (Theory, methodology and practice) (Order of Yerevan State University)
2011 - 2013: Calculation and Analyses and of the Loss of Human Capital in Armenia (the Contract signed between the Central Bank of RA and Yerevan State University)
Armenian, Russian, English
Professional membership
2004: “Social Capital” NGO, Vice President