Marine S. Mkrtchyan
1985 - 1990 Yerevan State University, faculty of geology, geophysics department
Work Experience
1983 - 1984 Hayelektrameqenashinakan” factory
1990 - 1996 YSU, senior lab assistent
1996 - until now YSU, lecturer
Teaching in YSU
Earth Physics (lecture, practical), Geophysical methods of the boreholes’ log interpratation (practical), electrical prospecting (practical), prospecting seismology (practical)
Research interests
Earth Physics , Earth seismicity, Application of complex geophysical methods for the ore, tectonic and ecological issues
Armenian, Russian, English (vocabulary), French (vocabulary)
1985 - 1990 Yerevan State University, faculty of geology, geophysics department
Work Experience
1983 - 1984 Hayelektrameqenashinakan” factory
1990 - 1996 YSU, senior lab assistent
1996 - until now YSU, lecturer
Teaching in YSU
Earth Physics (lecture, practical), Geophysical methods of the boreholes’ log interpratation (practical), electrical prospecting (practical), prospecting seismology (practical)
Research interests
Earth Physics , Earth seismicity, Application of complex geophysical methods for the ore, tectonic and ecological issues
Armenian, Russian, English (vocabulary), French (vocabulary)