Mira H. Antonyan
1995 - 1996 Social Work with children and families, Courage Rehabilitation Centre, Minnesota, USA
1980 - 1986 Bachelor of Chemistry, Yerevan State University, RA
Academic degree
2005 - PhD Degree in Sociology, Yerevan State University, RA
1998 - Certificate in Cornerstone Model as a Key in Work with Community groups, Poland, Warsaw
1996 - Associate Diploma in Social Work, Joint course of London School of Economics, England, University of Connecticut, USA, School of Social Work, Frankfurt - on Mine
Professional experience:
1996 - to date: Professor at Yerevan State University
1999 - 2003 Community Family Centre Program ADF-WB-UNICEF-Tufenkyan Foundation, Lori Marz
1999 - Community Development and Vocational Training Project Program coordinator UMCOR, Lori Marz
1999 - Social Investment Fund: Study of Community Development in Lori Marz,
2001 - 2002 Community Mobilization Project Expert Eurasia Foundation, Syunik Marz
2002 - An assessment of Early Childhood Development Services in Armenia, Save the Children, April-May
2002 - 2004 Local Expert in Armenia Social Transition Program, PADCO-USAID
2003 - Social Risk Assessment in Abovyan, Kotayq Marz, World Bank, August
2003 - Periodical Assessment of Opportunities on Integrated Social Services in Armenia, MOSS, PADCO
2004 - Capacity Gap Analyze for Armenian Child Protection System Program (HRBAP) - Consultant UNICEF Armenia
2003 - Social Assistance Advisor USAID, AED, MoLSI 2004: A research of Graduates from Orphanages, ADF, January-February
2005 - to date: FAR Children’s Support Centre Foundation- Executive Director
2005 - up to date: “Foster Care Program in Armenia”, UNICEF, FAR - September
2005 - National Social Protection Advisor, European Commission-TACIS
2007- “Study on Child Labor”, UNICEF, AASW- June-December
2007 - 2008 Child and Family Need Assessment in Ararat and Kotayq Marz, FAR
2008 Oct. - Support to Child Protection Helpline Phone Service, “Beeline”, CJSC and JMF 2010 - Rapid Assessment of Care Institutions in Armenia, UNICEF-Armenia
2008 - to date: National Expert for Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled People in Gyumri, World Bank, MoLSI
2009 - 2010 National Social Protection Expert on Situation Analysis of Children in Armenia, European Union, VISTAA, UNICEF-Armenia
2010 - Study on “Child Trafficking in Armenia”, People in Need, EC ,
Relevant experience of trainer and supervisor
2010 - to date: Moderator and Supervisor for an international PhD student from Iran “Children in street situations: Iranian reality”
2009 (72 hours) - Training courses for social workers: Peculiarities of Case Management, Evangelical Church
2008 - to date: Training sessions for the representatives of police, juridical system as well as child and family protection specialists, UNICEF - Armenia, MOLSI
2008 (36 hours) - Capacity building for field social workers: Needs assessment, planning and understanding of needs of children and families at risk situations, Evangelical Church
2007 - 2008 (6months) Supervision of 2 Interns from Stavanger, Norway, CSCF
2006 - to date: A three-days Internship Trainings twice per year for child care specialists of CPU, Care institutions and benevolent organizations, CSCF
2005 - to date: Capacity building trainings for Civil Servants on”Quality and standards of public service provision”, Department of Post-University Trainings, YSU
2005 - to date: Training courses for social workers of Territorial Social Services, National Institute on Social Studies
2005 - 2007 Capacity building of institutional staff on care standards, Hellenic Government, ADF Page 2004 - 2005: In-service training programs for civil servants: Service provision skills; Management of changes, PWTC, DFID
2004 - 2005 Capacity building for child care institutional staff on care standards, ADF, PADCO
2003 - 2005 Staff development services and specialist post qualifying and in-service training programs for “State Support for Orphanage Ex-boarders” staff generalist training for other allied protection services staff working in marzes of Armenia, ADF
Relevant experience in curriculum and manual development
2010 - Curriculum & Manual on “Social work with the victims of trafficking”, YSU, AASW
2008 - 2010 Manual on “Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled People”, WB, AASW
2008 - 2009 Manual on Child Protection: “The rights of the child to grow in family environment” UNICEF-Armenia, COAF
2008 - Manual on Child Protection: “Child Labor in Armenia”, UNICEF-Armenia, AASW
2008 - Curriculum on Child Protection for MA students, Every Child-UK, AASW
2007 - Manual on “Foster Care in Armenia” FAR, UNICEF-Armenia
2007 - “Voices from the field: current issues of child protection”, International Expert’s Group, European Commission
2005 - 2006 Manual on “Community Centre for children and families at risk”, WB, MoLSI 2006 - Manual on “Leave No Child Out”, UNICEF-Armenia, and AASW
Academic courses
Child Rights, Protection & Welfare (Protection, Alternative & Substitute Care, Institutional transformation)
Tertiary, Adult & Community Education (formal & informal including curriculum design & learning resources development & teaching)
Technical Assistance, Capacity-building, Organizational Development and training, networking
Policy development (Child & Social Protection, Education & Vocational Training)
Social research (Participatory research including community consultations, ‘child-focused’ research, program review, evaluation, needs assessments)
Community & Human Services Program Planning & Management
Scale of professional interests:
Child protection; social policy
Armenian; Russian and English (both written and oral)
Professional membership (NGO, professional council, editorial staff of scientific journal, funds etc.)
“Harmonic Society” Armenian Association of Social Workers (AASW)- Founder and President
International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) - Accredited Member
Child Helpline International Organization (CHI) - Accredited Member
International Foster Care Organization (IFCO) - Accredited Member
International Society to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) - Accredited Member
Awards received
2010 - Honored presenter “Institutionalization of Social Work profession in Armenia”, School of Social Work, Paris, France
2009 - Letter of Acknowledgement and Honored Medal, Minister of Social Welfare, Armenia
2009 - Letter of Acknowledgement and Honor, YSU, Armenia
2009 - Acknowledged as a Collegiums Member of the Ministry of Labor and Social Issues, Armenia
2008 - Honored Presenter “Reaffirming Human Rights for All: The Universal Declaration at 60”, “The girl child and their human rights in Armenia”, UNESCO, Paris, France
2008 - Honored Presenter “Harmful practices and human rights: Child protection in Armenia: reforming reforms... ” IDE, Sion, Switzerland
2005 - Honored Presenter “To Honor the Child”, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 14th IFCO Biennial Conference
2003 - Letter of Acknowledgement and Honor, President of Armenia (R. Kocharyan)
1995 - 1996 Social Work with children and families, Courage Rehabilitation Centre, Minnesota, USA
1980 - 1986 Bachelor of Chemistry, Yerevan State University, RA
Academic degree
2005 - PhD Degree in Sociology, Yerevan State University, RA
1998 - Certificate in Cornerstone Model as a Key in Work with Community groups, Poland, Warsaw
1996 - Associate Diploma in Social Work, Joint course of London School of Economics, England, University of Connecticut, USA, School of Social Work, Frankfurt - on Mine
Professional experience:
1996 - to date: Professor at Yerevan State University
1999 - 2003 Community Family Centre Program ADF-WB-UNICEF-Tufenkyan Foundation, Lori Marz
1999 - Community Development and Vocational Training Project Program coordinator UMCOR, Lori Marz
1999 - Social Investment Fund: Study of Community Development in Lori Marz,
2001 - 2002 Community Mobilization Project Expert Eurasia Foundation, Syunik Marz
2002 - An assessment of Early Childhood Development Services in Armenia, Save the Children, April-May
2002 - 2004 Local Expert in Armenia Social Transition Program, PADCO-USAID
2003 - Social Risk Assessment in Abovyan, Kotayq Marz, World Bank, August
2003 - Periodical Assessment of Opportunities on Integrated Social Services in Armenia, MOSS, PADCO
2004 - Capacity Gap Analyze for Armenian Child Protection System Program (HRBAP) - Consultant UNICEF Armenia
2003 - Social Assistance Advisor USAID, AED, MoLSI 2004: A research of Graduates from Orphanages, ADF, January-February
2005 - to date: FAR Children’s Support Centre Foundation- Executive Director
2005 - up to date: “Foster Care Program in Armenia”, UNICEF, FAR - September
2005 - National Social Protection Advisor, European Commission-TACIS
2007- “Study on Child Labor”, UNICEF, AASW- June-December
2007 - 2008 Child and Family Need Assessment in Ararat and Kotayq Marz, FAR
2008 Oct. - Support to Child Protection Helpline Phone Service, “Beeline”, CJSC and JMF 2010 - Rapid Assessment of Care Institutions in Armenia, UNICEF-Armenia
2008 - to date: National Expert for Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled People in Gyumri, World Bank, MoLSI
2009 - 2010 National Social Protection Expert on Situation Analysis of Children in Armenia, European Union, VISTAA, UNICEF-Armenia
2010 - Study on “Child Trafficking in Armenia”, People in Need, EC ,
Relevant experience of trainer and supervisor
2010 - to date: Moderator and Supervisor for an international PhD student from Iran “Children in street situations: Iranian reality”
2009 (72 hours) - Training courses for social workers: Peculiarities of Case Management, Evangelical Church
2008 - to date: Training sessions for the representatives of police, juridical system as well as child and family protection specialists, UNICEF - Armenia, MOLSI
2008 (36 hours) - Capacity building for field social workers: Needs assessment, planning and understanding of needs of children and families at risk situations, Evangelical Church
2007 - 2008 (6months) Supervision of 2 Interns from Stavanger, Norway, CSCF
2006 - to date: A three-days Internship Trainings twice per year for child care specialists of CPU, Care institutions and benevolent organizations, CSCF
2005 - to date: Capacity building trainings for Civil Servants on”Quality and standards of public service provision”, Department of Post-University Trainings, YSU
2005 - to date: Training courses for social workers of Territorial Social Services, National Institute on Social Studies
2005 - 2007 Capacity building of institutional staff on care standards, Hellenic Government, ADF Page 2004 - 2005: In-service training programs for civil servants: Service provision skills; Management of changes, PWTC, DFID
2004 - 2005 Capacity building for child care institutional staff on care standards, ADF, PADCO
2003 - 2005 Staff development services and specialist post qualifying and in-service training programs for “State Support for Orphanage Ex-boarders” staff generalist training for other allied protection services staff working in marzes of Armenia, ADF
Relevant experience in curriculum and manual development
2010 - Curriculum & Manual on “Social work with the victims of trafficking”, YSU, AASW
2008 - 2010 Manual on “Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled People”, WB, AASW
2008 - 2009 Manual on Child Protection: “The rights of the child to grow in family environment” UNICEF-Armenia, COAF
2008 - Manual on Child Protection: “Child Labor in Armenia”, UNICEF-Armenia, AASW
2008 - Curriculum on Child Protection for MA students, Every Child-UK, AASW
2007 - Manual on “Foster Care in Armenia” FAR, UNICEF-Armenia
2007 - “Voices from the field: current issues of child protection”, International Expert’s Group, European Commission
2005 - 2006 Manual on “Community Centre for children and families at risk”, WB, MoLSI 2006 - Manual on “Leave No Child Out”, UNICEF-Armenia, and AASW
Academic courses
Child Rights, Protection & Welfare (Protection, Alternative & Substitute Care, Institutional transformation)
Tertiary, Adult & Community Education (formal & informal including curriculum design & learning resources development & teaching)
Technical Assistance, Capacity-building, Organizational Development and training, networking
Policy development (Child & Social Protection, Education & Vocational Training)
Social research (Participatory research including community consultations, ‘child-focused’ research, program review, evaluation, needs assessments)
Community & Human Services Program Planning & Management
Scale of professional interests:
Child protection; social policy
Armenian; Russian and English (both written and oral)
Professional membership (NGO, professional council, editorial staff of scientific journal, funds etc.)
“Harmonic Society” Armenian Association of Social Workers (AASW)- Founder and President
International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) - Accredited Member
Child Helpline International Organization (CHI) - Accredited Member
International Foster Care Organization (IFCO) - Accredited Member
International Society to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN) - Accredited Member
Awards received
2010 - Honored presenter “Institutionalization of Social Work profession in Armenia”, School of Social Work, Paris, France
2009 - Letter of Acknowledgement and Honored Medal, Minister of Social Welfare, Armenia
2009 - Letter of Acknowledgement and Honor, YSU, Armenia
2009 - Acknowledged as a Collegiums Member of the Ministry of Labor and Social Issues, Armenia
2008 - Honored Presenter “Reaffirming Human Rights for All: The Universal Declaration at 60”, “The girl child and their human rights in Armenia”, UNESCO, Paris, France
2008 - Honored Presenter “Harmful practices and human rights: Child protection in Armenia: reforming reforms... ” IDE, Sion, Switzerland
2005 - Honored Presenter “To Honor the Child”, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 14th IFCO Biennial Conference
2003 - Letter of Acknowledgement and Honor, President of Armenia (R. Kocharyan)