Misak A. Davtyan
1952 - 1958: student, Yerevan Medical Institute
1960 - 1963: Postgraduate student State University of Moscow
Academic degree
Candidate of biological science - 1963, “The amino acid transformations in heart muscles”
Doctoral - “Ornitnine cycle enzymes of brane”
Professional experience
1971 - 2000: Chief of Department of Biochemistry YSU
1985 - 1989: Pro-rector of YSU
1989 - 1990: Minister of national education
1990 - 1991: Pro-rector of YSU
1995 - 1999: Decan of the biological faculty (1995-1999) of YSU
1999 - 2002: the Rector of Armenian State Pedagogical Institute by name H.Abovjan
2002 till now: Chief of Department of Biochemistry YSU
Academic courses
«General biochemistry», «Medical biochemistry», «The biochemistry of organ-systems», «Selective chapters of carbohydrates metabolism», « Selective chapters of metabilism regulation , « Biochemistry of drugs», «modern problems of biochemistry»
Scale of professional interests
Biochemistry of nitrogen containing compound, regulation of metabolism, enzymology, the investigation of D-, L- aminocid oxidase
Armenian, Russian, English
Professional membership
chairman of Scientific council on awarding degrees on Biophysics
FEBS –Federation of European Biochemical Societies (Armeninan association)
Awards received
Honoured Statesman of Sciences ASSR 1981
(+374 10) 55-43-61
1952 - 1958: student, Yerevan Medical Institute
1960 - 1963: Postgraduate student State University of Moscow
Academic degree
Candidate of biological science - 1963, “The amino acid transformations in heart muscles”
Doctoral - “Ornitnine cycle enzymes of brane”
Professional experience
1971 - 2000: Chief of Department of Biochemistry YSU
1985 - 1989: Pro-rector of YSU
1989 - 1990: Minister of national education
1990 - 1991: Pro-rector of YSU
1995 - 1999: Decan of the biological faculty (1995-1999) of YSU
1999 - 2002: the Rector of Armenian State Pedagogical Institute by name H.Abovjan
2002 till now: Chief of Department of Biochemistry YSU
Academic courses
«General biochemistry», «Medical biochemistry», «The biochemistry of organ-systems», «Selective chapters of carbohydrates metabolism», « Selective chapters of metabilism regulation , « Biochemistry of drugs», «modern problems of biochemistry»
Scale of professional interests
Biochemistry of nitrogen containing compound, regulation of metabolism, enzymology, the investigation of D-, L- aminocid oxidase
Armenian, Russian, English
Professional membership
chairman of Scientific council on awarding degrees on Biophysics
FEBS –Federation of European Biochemical Societies (Armeninan association)
Awards received
Honoured Statesman of Sciences ASSR 1981
(+374 10) 55-43-61