Naira H. Gasparyan
1989-1990 Moscow Patent Institute, / ЦИПК/Diploma
1986-1988 Yerevan Patent Institute/ evening courses/, Diploma
1976-1981 English Language and Literature, Romance-Germanic Philology Department,
Yerevan State University, Diploma
Academic Degree
2006 “Linguostylistic Peculiarities of Patent Specifications/ with special reference to American Semiconductor Patents ”, Doctor of Philology (Germanic Languages), Yerevan State University
Professional experience
2007-present Associate Professor, Chair of English Philology, Romance-Germanic Philology Department, Yerevan State University
2005-2007 Assistant Professor, Chair of English Philology, Romance-Germanic Philology Department, Yerevan State University
1991 - 2005 Lecturer of English, Chair of English Philology, Romance-Germanic Philology
Department, Yerevan State University
1982-1990 Lecturer of English, Chair of Foreign Languages, Yerevan State University
Academic courses
Lexics, Stylistics, Functional Stylistics, Varieties of English,
Scale of professional interests
Functional Stylistics, The language of Patents, Functions of Language and Speech, Technical Translation. ESP, Discourse Analysis, Discourse and Culture.
Foreign Languages
English , Russian, German
Professional membership
Member of AASE (Armenian Association for the Study of English)
1989-1990 Moscow Patent Institute, / ЦИПК/Diploma
1986-1988 Yerevan Patent Institute/ evening courses/, Diploma
1976-1981 English Language and Literature, Romance-Germanic Philology Department,
Yerevan State University, Diploma
Academic Degree
2006 “Linguostylistic Peculiarities of Patent Specifications/ with special reference to American Semiconductor Patents ”, Doctor of Philology (Germanic Languages), Yerevan State University
Professional experience
2007-present Associate Professor, Chair of English Philology, Romance-Germanic Philology Department, Yerevan State University
2005-2007 Assistant Professor, Chair of English Philology, Romance-Germanic Philology Department, Yerevan State University
1991 - 2005 Lecturer of English, Chair of English Philology, Romance-Germanic Philology
Department, Yerevan State University
1982-1990 Lecturer of English, Chair of Foreign Languages, Yerevan State University
Academic courses
Lexics, Stylistics, Functional Stylistics, Varieties of English,
Scale of professional interests
Functional Stylistics, The language of Patents, Functions of Language and Speech, Technical Translation. ESP, Discourse Analysis, Discourse and Culture.
Foreign Languages
English , Russian, German
Professional membership
Member of AASE (Armenian Association for the Study of English)