Narine E. Mirzakhanyan
1976-1981 B.Sc.: Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yerevan State University
1981-1985 PhD: Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Moscow State University
Academic degree
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Candidate thesis:- “Classification compact G- extension with the help of algebras equivariant maps in the case of locally compact topological group”, Yerevan State University, 2007
Professional experience
From 2012 to date: Associate professor, Yerevan State University
2007-2012: Assistant professor, Yerevan State University
1985-2007: Lecturer, Yerevan State University
Academic courses
Analytic Geometry, Set Theory and Topology, Linear Algebra and Geometry, G-spaces, Theory of Topological Groups
Scale of professional interests
G-expansion, Cardinal Invariants
Participation in grant projects
Construction of homotopy, homology and differential manyfolds in the infinite varieties of Hilbert spaces and construction of composition in an infinite quadratic forms(2004-2007)
Armenian, Russian, English
1976-1981 B.Sc.: Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yerevan State University
1981-1985 PhD: Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Moscow State University
Academic degree
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Candidate thesis:- “Classification compact G- extension with the help of algebras equivariant maps in the case of locally compact topological group”, Yerevan State University, 2007
Professional experience
From 2012 to date: Associate professor, Yerevan State University
2007-2012: Assistant professor, Yerevan State University
1985-2007: Lecturer, Yerevan State University
Academic courses
Analytic Geometry, Set Theory and Topology, Linear Algebra and Geometry, G-spaces, Theory of Topological Groups
Scale of professional interests
G-expansion, Cardinal Invariants
Participation in grant projects
Construction of homotopy, homology and differential manyfolds in the infinite varieties of Hilbert spaces and construction of composition in an infinite quadratic forms(2004-2007)
Armenian, Russian, English