


Academic Books
On October 10, the gymnasium “Quantum” hosted the presentation of new books of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of YSU Mikayel Malkhasyan.

PhD student and lecturer at the Chair of History of the Armenian People of the Faculty of History of YSU, tutor at the gymnasium “Quantum” Mikayel Malkhasyan presented during the event his new books “Historical and ethnographic researches” and “Population of Kars region (in 1877-1917)”, which were published by YSU Publishing House on the recommendation of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of History of YSU.

21 articles of more than 40 articles of the author are presented in the book “Historical and ethnographic researches”, which concern the Armenian historical ethnography, modern ethnographic processes, as well as problems of history and geography of the Armenian Diaspora.

The movements of population in the period when the Kars region was part of the Russian Empire are presented in the book “Population of Kars region (in 1877-1917)”.

The event was attended by YSU lecturers, students, teachers and pupils of “Quantum.

A welcoming speech was made by the Head of Service Department of the Faculty of Geography and Geology of Yerevan State University, Head of the Department of Geography of this gymnasium Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor Seyran Suvaryan. He noted that Mr. Malkhasyan used to be smart and industrious student in his years in “Quantum”, who has published books “Armenians in the world” and “Oshakan” in the 10th form.

Scientific Secretary of Yerevan State University, Candidate of History, Associate Professor Menua Soghomonyan praised the work of Mr. Malkhasyan, whose researches are already quite noticeable. Menua Soghomonyan emphasized the role of Mikayel Malkhasyan in the development of YSU Student Scientific Society.

The handbook authored by Mikayel Malkhasyan, “The basic principles of writing scientific research: guidelines”, was also presented in the framework of this event.