Nora H. Azaryan
1966 - 1971: Graduate-Diploma of Department of Genetics and Cytology of Biological Faculty of Yerevan State University, Armenia
1971 - 1974: Postgraduate at Scientific Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, Head Administration of Microbiology Industry under the USSR Council of Ministers, Moscow, Russia
Academic degree
Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD)
Genetic Organization of IncP-1 of Plasmid R906. 1984, Scientific Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, Moscow (in Russian).
Professional experience
1971 - 1975: Charentsavan Branch of Scientific Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms
1975 - 2000: Institute of Experimental (Molecular) Biology of NAS RA
1995 - present: Yerevan State University
Academic courses
Genetics; Genetics and Evolutionary Theory; Gene and Cellular Engineering; Genetic Engineering
Scale of professional interests
Molecular Organization of Plasmids; Construction of Vectors; Mutagenicity of Chemical Compounds; Influence of Chemical Substances on Expression of Genes
Participation in grant projects
2009 - 2010: Grant of ISTC A-1701
Armenian, Russian, English, German
Professional membership
NGO Women for Green Way for Generations
1966 - 1971: Graduate-Diploma of Department of Genetics and Cytology of Biological Faculty of Yerevan State University, Armenia
1971 - 1974: Postgraduate at Scientific Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, Head Administration of Microbiology Industry under the USSR Council of Ministers, Moscow, Russia
Academic degree
Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD)
Genetic Organization of IncP-1 of Plasmid R906. 1984, Scientific Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, Moscow (in Russian).
Professional experience
1971 - 1975: Charentsavan Branch of Scientific Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms
1975 - 2000: Institute of Experimental (Molecular) Biology of NAS RA
1995 - present: Yerevan State University
Academic courses
Genetics; Genetics and Evolutionary Theory; Gene and Cellular Engineering; Genetic Engineering
Scale of professional interests
Molecular Organization of Plasmids; Construction of Vectors; Mutagenicity of Chemical Compounds; Influence of Chemical Substances on Expression of Genes
Participation in grant projects
2009 - 2010: Grant of ISTC A-1701
Armenian, Russian, English, German
Professional membership
NGO Women for Green Way for Generations