


Academic Books
The Armenian version of the book “Armenian Genocide in the history and memory”, written by Italian Professor Maria Immacolata Macioti, was presented at YSU.

Professor Macioti teaches sociology at the faculties of political science, communication and sociology of the “Sapienza" University in Rome, supervises the master programs on the immigrants and refugees affairs. She is the Vice-President of the Federal University of Humanities, Arts and Environment Sciences.

This book was published in Italy in 2011. The initiative to translate it into Armenian belongs to YSU Faculty of Sociology. The cooperation between the Italian professor and this faculty has got a rich background. The book was published by YSU Publishing House with the support of the Institute for Armenian Studies.

“Years ago, when I was studying the problems of refugees, I showed interest towards the Armenian genocide. Since then I started to collect new materials, historical reviews on this issue,” - she said.

Author of the book has made an attempt to present the Armenian Diaspora phenomenon. She says if in other cases people are leaving the country for economic reasons, in this case the problem is quite different.

“My problem is not to prove the fact of genocide but to study other people’s opinions. Today in Italy, for example, scientists can speak about the Armenian genocide, but the government is silent. The history is the same as 100 years ago. The whole world saw the Armenian Genocide, but no one would call out, based on economic and geopolitical interests,” - says Professor Macioti.

The presentation was attended by the Deputy Director of the Institute for Armenian Studies Mher Hovhannisyan, Dean of the Faculty of Sociology Arthur Mkrtichyan, Head of the Chair of Applied Sociology Arthur Atanesyan, lecturers, students, and others.

“This translation is very important for us, I think, it will be very useful for our students. Today the sociological approaches to the genocide are becoming more important as the perceptions of the coming generations are changing,” - said Arthur Mkrtichyan.

Mher Hovhannisyan added the book could be very useful for the master program “Genocide Studies”. Then he officially invited Maria Immacolata Macioti to participate in the international conference this autumn, which is dedicated to the Armenian Genocide.