Rubik A. Avetisyan
1963-1966Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Yerevan State University /YSU/
1966-1968 Moscow, Lomonosov State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
1968-1971 Post-graduate student at Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Professional experience
1972 Doctor of Mechanics, thesis «Multiplytrigonometricalseries Theory»
Professional experience
1972 up to 1983 junior researelassociate at the Institute of Mathematics of the Arm. SSR Academy of Science
2009 assօciate professor, Department of Mathematical Modelling in Economics, YSU
1983-2009 Faculty of Applied Mathematics, YSU associate professor
1963-1966Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Yerevan State University /YSU/
1966-1968 Moscow, Lomonosov State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
1968-1971 Post-graduate student at Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Professional experience
1972 Doctor of Mechanics, thesis «Multiplytrigonometricalseries Theory»
Professional experience
1972 up to 1983 junior researelassociate at the Institute of Mathematics of the Arm. SSR Academy of Science
2009 assօciate professor, Department of Mathematical Modelling in Economics, YSU
1983-2009 Faculty of Applied Mathematics, YSU associate professor