Samvel G. Gevorgyan
Feb. 1974 - April 1977: M.S. Diploma in Solid State Physics (SSP),
Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), Московский инженерно-физический институт (МИФИ), Special Faculty of Physics (High School of Physicists after Acad. N.G. Basov),
Moscow, USSR – Diploma: YA(Я) № 288563.
Sept. 1971 - Feb. 1974: Yerevan State University (YSU),Faculty of Physics, Chair of Solid State Physics, Yerevan, Armenian SSR, 375025, USSR.
Sept. 1968 - June 1971: Special Physics-Mathematical School (phys-math school) after Acad. Artashes Shahinyan, Yerevan, Armenian SSR, 375025, USSR.
Sept. 1961 - July 1968: School No. 10 after 26 Commissars, Yerevan, Armenian SSR, 375025, USSR.
Academic Degree
21 Dec., 2010: Doctor of Sciences (Physics) – Diploma: B №00838,
Institute of Applied Problems of Physics (IAPP),
National Academy of Sciences (NAS),
25 Hr. Nersissian str., Yerevan, 0014, Armenia.
“ Investigation of weakly expressed peculiarities of supercon-ductivity with application of new radiofrequency methods”
23 Nov., 1989: Soviet Candidate of Phys-Math Sciences (Ph.D. in Physics)
– Diploma: FM №038264,
Institute for Physical Research (IPR),
National Academy of Sciences (NAS),
Gitavan IFI, Ashtarak-2, AM-378410, Armenian SSR, USSR.
“Detecting of ionizing radiation by means of superheated superconduc¬ting grains”;
Academic Title
28 April, 2012 Professor (Physics) – Diploma: P № 00772,
Yerevan State University (YSU), 1 Alex Manoogian str., Yerevan, 0025, Republic of Armenia (Armenia).
Professional Experience
Sept. 2003 - to date: Yerevan State University (YSU), Faculty of Physics,
Chair of Solid State Physics (SSP),
Yerevan, 0025, Republic of Armenia (Armenia),
Professor (since 28 April 2012 - based on 21 October 2011 deci¬sion of the Scientific Council of the YSU)
Associate Professor (Apr.2011 - Apr.2012)
Assistant Professor (Jan. 2005- Apr.2011)
Invited Assoc. Prof. (Sept.2003 - Dec.2004)
Faculty of Physics,
Research Laboratory of the Chair of Solid State Physics,
Yerevan, 0025, Republic of Armenia (Armenia),
Senior Researcher (Jan. 2005 - to date)
Project Director, NFSAT-CRDF Award
# ISIPA 01-04 (Oct. 2004 - Oct. 2007)
Faculty of Physics,
Center on “Superconductivity & Sci. Instrumen-tation”
Project Manager, NFSAT-CRDF Award
# UCEP 07/07 (Sept. 2007 – to date)
Aug.1998 - March 2002: Kyushu University,
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering (ISEE),
6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku,
Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
Research Institute of Superconductivity,
Assoc. Professor (Apr.2000 - March 2002)
Senior Researcher (Apr.1999- March 2000)
Visiting Professor (Aug.1998- March 1999)
June 1988 - to date: National Academy of Sciences (NAS),
Institute for Physical Research (IPR),
Ashtarak-2, 0203, Republic of Armenia (Armenia)
Laboratory of Superconducting Detectors’ Physics,Head of Laboratory (since 23 March 1998; half-time work since 2005)
Laboratory of High-Tc Superconductivity (HTSC),
Senior Researcher (March 1992-March 1998)
Researcher (June 1988 - March 1992);
March 1978-June 1988: Yerevan Physics Institute (YerPhI),
Laboratory of Low-Temperature Physics,
Yerevan, Armenian SSR, 375036, USSR,
Engineer (March 1978 - June 1988);
June 1977-March 1978: Yerevan State University (YSU),
Faculty of Physics,
Chair of Solid State Physics (SSP),
Yerevan, Armenian SSR, 375025, USSR, Educational Master (June 1977 - March 1978)
Academic Courses
“Low-Temperature Physics & Techniques” - Yerevan State University (YSU), Faculty of Physics
(since Sept. 2003 – to date)
Scale of Professional Interests
1.Modeling of tunnel diode (TD) oscillators: they can be widely used for high-resolution, low-temperature studies of the superconductive matter.
As a result, a radio-frequency new test-method is developed, based on a single-layer flat pick-up coil-oscillator (SFCO - Platform technology);
2.Superconductive (SC) phase transition: the Meissner ejection precursor and posterior weakly expressed effects are searched for, revealed & investigated;
3.Vortex-matter dynamics in high-Tc superconductors (HTSC): the vortex-mat¬ter magnetic-phase diagram (MP-diagram) in YBaCuO material is con-structed in wide ranges of the magnetic fields and temperature;
4.“Visualization” of SC properties of thin flat HTSC materials by the use of a SFCO-technique with a focused laser beam, as a probing instrument;
5.Electro-physical properties of HTSC materials: they can be used for creation of the advanced radiation and particle detectors;
6.Non-equilibrium properties of high-Tc superconductors - phase-slip centers (PSC) included: first observation of the PSC in HTSC thin-film bridges;
7.Destruction of a meta-stable superheated superconducting state in micron-size tin (Sn) grains. that one may use for radiation and particles detection;
8.Spin paramagnetic resonance / electron spin resonance/ (SPR/ESR) spectro-meters: super-high resolution, new principle of operation spectrometers are created (2 Armenian and 2 Russian patents are obtained);
9.GHz- and MHz-range highly sensitive measurement technology: they can be widely used in various areas of the science and technology;
10. Absolute-position sensors based on a SFCO technology - they can be used for the creation of slow-movement (low-frequency) seismometers of a new type:
as a result, a new border/zone Early Warning Passive Security System (EWPSS) is developed based on the SFCO Platform technology.
Participation in Grant Projects
1.“Instrumentation for Scientific Infrastructure III” Program
CRDF-NFSAT Award # ISIPA 01-04 (29.10.2004 - 29.10.2007)
“System for High-resolution Magneto-Optical Measurements” Project Director;
2.NFSAT “Scientific Results Commercialization” Program (2005 - 2007) “Ultra-High Sensitivity Position Sensor For SEISMOMETRY ” Project Principal Investigator;
3.“Graduate Research Support (GRSP)” Program NFSAT-CRDF Award # GRASP 30/06 (2006 - 2007) “Superconductivity Precursor and Posterior Effects” (to be studied by the flat coil-based sensitive test-method, to be created)”Project Participant (scientific adviser);
4. “Armenian BGP-IV” Program CRDF-NFSAT Award # ARP2-3229-YE-04 (2006 - 2008)
“Method of ‘Visualization’ of Superconducting Properties of Thin Flat HTS Materials Based on a Single-Layer Flat Coil Technique” jointly with Wisconsin University (Madison, USA), and “Center on Applied Superconductivity”, Florida State University (Jacksonville, USA) Project Participant (scientific adviser);
5 “University Centers of Excellence” Program
CRDF-NFSAT-YSU Award # UCEP 07/07 (01.09.2007 01.09.2009)
The name of the created in Yerevan State University Center is “Supercon¬ductivity & Scientific Instrumentation”
Project Manager:
Professional Membership
Japanese Cryogenic Society (August 1998 - March 2002);
Council of the Faculty of Physics of the Yerevan State University(since January 2005 – to date)
Awards Received
The National Academy of Sciences Award (NAS of Armenia “Govestagir”)
Award Decision: (NAS) 437 (May 17, 1989);
The American Physical Society (APS) Award
Award Decision: (APS) 57- DCMP (March 22, 1993);
The “Global Security Challenge 2008” (GSC-2008) competition “Prize”
The “Asian Semi-Finals” (the winner, the finalist),
Singapore, Singapore (September 26, 2008);
The “Global Security Challenge 2008” (GSC-2008) competition “Cup”
The “World Grand-Finals” (among the Top Six in the world),
London, UK (November 13, 2008);
The “Global Security Challenge 2009” (GSC-2009) competition “Prize”
The “European Regional Finals” (among the three finalists),
Athens, Greece (September 16, 2009).
Participation on International Conferences and Workshop
1991 -International Conference on HTS and Localization Phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 1991;
1994 - International Workshop on Superconductivity & Particle Detection, Toledo, Spain, 1994;
1995 - 6-th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-6), Beatenberg/Interlaken, Switzerland, 1995;
1997 - 10-th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS’97), Gifu, Japan, 1997;
1998 - Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’98),Palm Desert, CA, USA, 1998;
1998 - 11-th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS’98), Fukuoka, Japan, 1998;
1999 - 8-th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-8), Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 1999;
1999 - 12-th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS’99), Morioka, Japan, 1999;
2000 - International Workshop on Particle Detection & Metastable Superconductivity (a “summit meeting” on device development), Lisbon, Portugal, 2000;
2000 - Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’2000), Virginia Beach, VA, USA, 2000;
2000 - 13-th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS’2000), Tokyo, Japan, 2000;
2000 - International Workshop on Critical Currents and Applications of HTS (IWCCA-HTS), Fukuoka, Japan, 2000;
2001 - 8-th International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC’01),
Osaka, Japan, 2001;
2001 - 9-th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-9), Madison, WI, USA, 2001;
2001 - 14-th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS’2001), Kobe, Japan, 2001;
2002 - Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’2002), Houston, TX, USA, 2002;
2003 - 10-th Internat. Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-10), Genoa, Italy, 2003;
2003 - 4-th National Conference on “Semiconductor Microelectronics”, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 2003;
2005 - 5-th Internat. Conf. on “Semiconductor Micro- & Nano-Electronics”, Aghveran, Armenia, 2005;
2006 - Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’06), Seattle, WA, USA, 2006; Москва, Россия, 2008;
2008- 40-th National Conference “Laser Physics-2008”, Ashtarak-2, Armenia, 2008;
2008 - “Global Security Challenge” (GSC-2008)- Asian Semi-Finals, Singapore, Singapore, September 26, 2008;
2008 - “Global Security Challenge” (GSC-2008) - World Grand-Finals, London, UK, November 13, 2008;
2009 - International Advanced Research Workshop on Modern Prob¬lems in Optics & Photonics (MPOP-2009), Yerevan, Armenia, 2009;
2009 - “Global Security Challenge” (GSC-2009) - European Regional Finals, Athens, Greece, September 16, 2009;
2009 - International Conference on “Electrons, Positrons, Neutrons and X-Rays Scat¬tering Under External Influences”,
Yerevan-Meghri, Armenia, 26-30 October, 2009;
2011 - Intergovernmental Progr. of Innovative Cooper. among SIC Countries, Moscow, Russia, March 18, 2011 - among the winners;
2011 - International Symposium on Optics & its Application (OPTICS-2011),
Yerevan-Ashtarak, Armenia, 5-9 September, 2011;
2011 - International Conference on “Electron, Positron, Neutron and X-Ray Scattering Under External Influences”,
Yerevan-Meghri, Armenia, 18-22 October, 2011;
2012 - European Seismological Com¬mission (ESC 2012), 33-rd General Assembly, Symposiums “DAP-1: Seismological Observation and Interpretation & DAP-4: Seismological Obser¬vations and Research Infrastructures: Towards a European Plate Observatory”, Moscow, Russia, August 19-24, 2012.
2013 - International Symposium on Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry “Stress and Behavior: Yerevan-2013”,
Yerevan, Armenia, September 20-21, 2013.
2013 - Third Jubilee International Conference on Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry,
Yerevan, Armenia, September 22-24, 2013.
List of Publications
127 Published PAPERS: among them
1 - Teaching aid (tutorial);
1 - Chapter in an International Book;
38 - Papers in an International (25) and local (13) peer-review Journals;
76 - Proceedings (51) and Abstracts (25) in a pear-reviewed Internatio¬nal Conferences and Workshops;
6 - Armenian (2) and Russian (2) PATENTS and Soviet Inventor’s Certificates (2);
5 - Preprints.
Armenian, Russian,English
Feb. 1974 - April 1977: M.S. Diploma in Solid State Physics (SSP),
Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), Московский инженерно-физический институт (МИФИ), Special Faculty of Physics (High School of Physicists after Acad. N.G. Basov),
Moscow, USSR – Diploma: YA(Я) № 288563.
Sept. 1971 - Feb. 1974: Yerevan State University (YSU),Faculty of Physics, Chair of Solid State Physics, Yerevan, Armenian SSR, 375025, USSR.
Sept. 1968 - June 1971: Special Physics-Mathematical School (phys-math school) after Acad. Artashes Shahinyan, Yerevan, Armenian SSR, 375025, USSR.
Sept. 1961 - July 1968: School No. 10 after 26 Commissars, Yerevan, Armenian SSR, 375025, USSR.
Academic Degree
21 Dec., 2010: Doctor of Sciences (Physics) – Diploma: B №00838,
Institute of Applied Problems of Physics (IAPP),
National Academy of Sciences (NAS),
25 Hr. Nersissian str., Yerevan, 0014, Armenia.
“ Investigation of weakly expressed peculiarities of supercon-ductivity with application of new radiofrequency methods”
23 Nov., 1989: Soviet Candidate of Phys-Math Sciences (Ph.D. in Physics)
– Diploma: FM №038264,
Institute for Physical Research (IPR),
National Academy of Sciences (NAS),
Gitavan IFI, Ashtarak-2, AM-378410, Armenian SSR, USSR.
“Detecting of ionizing radiation by means of superheated superconduc¬ting grains”;
Academic Title
28 April, 2012 Professor (Physics) – Diploma: P № 00772,
Yerevan State University (YSU), 1 Alex Manoogian str., Yerevan, 0025, Republic of Armenia (Armenia).
Professional Experience
Sept. 2003 - to date: Yerevan State University (YSU), Faculty of Physics,
Chair of Solid State Physics (SSP),
Yerevan, 0025, Republic of Armenia (Armenia),
Professor (since 28 April 2012 - based on 21 October 2011 deci¬sion of the Scientific Council of the YSU)
Associate Professor (Apr.2011 - Apr.2012)
Assistant Professor (Jan. 2005- Apr.2011)
Invited Assoc. Prof. (Sept.2003 - Dec.2004)
Faculty of Physics,
Research Laboratory of the Chair of Solid State Physics,
Yerevan, 0025, Republic of Armenia (Armenia),
Senior Researcher (Jan. 2005 - to date)
Project Director, NFSAT-CRDF Award
# ISIPA 01-04 (Oct. 2004 - Oct. 2007)
Faculty of Physics,
Center on “Superconductivity & Sci. Instrumen-tation”
Project Manager, NFSAT-CRDF Award
# UCEP 07/07 (Sept. 2007 – to date)
Aug.1998 - March 2002: Kyushu University,
Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering (ISEE),
6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku,
Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan
Research Institute of Superconductivity,
Assoc. Professor (Apr.2000 - March 2002)
Senior Researcher (Apr.1999- March 2000)
Visiting Professor (Aug.1998- March 1999)
June 1988 - to date: National Academy of Sciences (NAS),
Institute for Physical Research (IPR),
Ashtarak-2, 0203, Republic of Armenia (Armenia)
Laboratory of Superconducting Detectors’ Physics,Head of Laboratory (since 23 March 1998; half-time work since 2005)
Laboratory of High-Tc Superconductivity (HTSC),
Senior Researcher (March 1992-March 1998)
Researcher (June 1988 - March 1992);
March 1978-June 1988: Yerevan Physics Institute (YerPhI),
Laboratory of Low-Temperature Physics,
Yerevan, Armenian SSR, 375036, USSR,
Engineer (March 1978 - June 1988);
June 1977-March 1978: Yerevan State University (YSU),
Faculty of Physics,
Chair of Solid State Physics (SSP),
Yerevan, Armenian SSR, 375025, USSR, Educational Master (June 1977 - March 1978)
Academic Courses
“Low-Temperature Physics & Techniques” - Yerevan State University (YSU), Faculty of Physics
(since Sept. 2003 – to date)
Scale of Professional Interests
1.Modeling of tunnel diode (TD) oscillators: they can be widely used for high-resolution, low-temperature studies of the superconductive matter.
As a result, a radio-frequency new test-method is developed, based on a single-layer flat pick-up coil-oscillator (SFCO - Platform technology);
2.Superconductive (SC) phase transition: the Meissner ejection precursor and posterior weakly expressed effects are searched for, revealed & investigated;
3.Vortex-matter dynamics in high-Tc superconductors (HTSC): the vortex-mat¬ter magnetic-phase diagram (MP-diagram) in YBaCuO material is con-structed in wide ranges of the magnetic fields and temperature;
4.“Visualization” of SC properties of thin flat HTSC materials by the use of a SFCO-technique with a focused laser beam, as a probing instrument;
5.Electro-physical properties of HTSC materials: they can be used for creation of the advanced radiation and particle detectors;
6.Non-equilibrium properties of high-Tc superconductors - phase-slip centers (PSC) included: first observation of the PSC in HTSC thin-film bridges;
7.Destruction of a meta-stable superheated superconducting state in micron-size tin (Sn) grains. that one may use for radiation and particles detection;
8.Spin paramagnetic resonance / electron spin resonance/ (SPR/ESR) spectro-meters: super-high resolution, new principle of operation spectrometers are created (2 Armenian and 2 Russian patents are obtained);
9.GHz- and MHz-range highly sensitive measurement technology: they can be widely used in various areas of the science and technology;
10. Absolute-position sensors based on a SFCO technology - they can be used for the creation of slow-movement (low-frequency) seismometers of a new type:
as a result, a new border/zone Early Warning Passive Security System (EWPSS) is developed based on the SFCO Platform technology.
Participation in Grant Projects
1.“Instrumentation for Scientific Infrastructure III” Program
CRDF-NFSAT Award # ISIPA 01-04 (29.10.2004 - 29.10.2007)
“System for High-resolution Magneto-Optical Measurements” Project Director;
2.NFSAT “Scientific Results Commercialization” Program (2005 - 2007) “Ultra-High Sensitivity Position Sensor For SEISMOMETRY ” Project Principal Investigator;
3.“Graduate Research Support (GRSP)” Program NFSAT-CRDF Award # GRASP 30/06 (2006 - 2007) “Superconductivity Precursor and Posterior Effects” (to be studied by the flat coil-based sensitive test-method, to be created)”Project Participant (scientific adviser);
4. “Armenian BGP-IV” Program CRDF-NFSAT Award # ARP2-3229-YE-04 (2006 - 2008)
“Method of ‘Visualization’ of Superconducting Properties of Thin Flat HTS Materials Based on a Single-Layer Flat Coil Technique” jointly with Wisconsin University (Madison, USA), and “Center on Applied Superconductivity”, Florida State University (Jacksonville, USA) Project Participant (scientific adviser);
5 “University Centers of Excellence” Program
CRDF-NFSAT-YSU Award # UCEP 07/07 (01.09.2007 01.09.2009)
The name of the created in Yerevan State University Center is “Supercon¬ductivity & Scientific Instrumentation”
Project Manager:
Professional Membership
Japanese Cryogenic Society (August 1998 - March 2002);
Council of the Faculty of Physics of the Yerevan State University(since January 2005 – to date)
Awards Received
The National Academy of Sciences Award (NAS of Armenia “Govestagir”)
Award Decision: (NAS) 437 (May 17, 1989);
The American Physical Society (APS) Award
Award Decision: (APS) 57- DCMP (March 22, 1993);
The “Global Security Challenge 2008” (GSC-2008) competition “Prize”
The “Asian Semi-Finals” (the winner, the finalist),
Singapore, Singapore (September 26, 2008);
The “Global Security Challenge 2008” (GSC-2008) competition “Cup”
The “World Grand-Finals” (among the Top Six in the world),
London, UK (November 13, 2008);
The “Global Security Challenge 2009” (GSC-2009) competition “Prize”
The “European Regional Finals” (among the three finalists),
Athens, Greece (September 16, 2009).
Participation on International Conferences and Workshop
1991 -International Conference on HTS and Localization Phenomena, Moscow, USSR, 1991;
1994 - International Workshop on Superconductivity & Particle Detection, Toledo, Spain, 1994;
1995 - 6-th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-6), Beatenberg/Interlaken, Switzerland, 1995;
1997 - 10-th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS’97), Gifu, Japan, 1997;
1998 - Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’98),Palm Desert, CA, USA, 1998;
1998 - 11-th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS’98), Fukuoka, Japan, 1998;
1999 - 8-th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-8), Dalfsen, The Netherlands, 1999;
1999 - 12-th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS’99), Morioka, Japan, 1999;
2000 - International Workshop on Particle Detection & Metastable Superconductivity (a “summit meeting” on device development), Lisbon, Portugal, 2000;
2000 - Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’2000), Virginia Beach, VA, USA, 2000;
2000 - 13-th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS’2000), Tokyo, Japan, 2000;
2000 - International Workshop on Critical Currents and Applications of HTS (IWCCA-HTS), Fukuoka, Japan, 2000;
2001 - 8-th International Superconductive Electronics Conference (ISEC’01),
Osaka, Japan, 2001;
2001 - 9-th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-9), Madison, WI, USA, 2001;
2001 - 14-th International Symposium on Superconductivity (ISS’2001), Kobe, Japan, 2001;
2002 - Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’2002), Houston, TX, USA, 2002;
2003 - 10-th Internat. Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD-10), Genoa, Italy, 2003;
2003 - 4-th National Conference on “Semiconductor Microelectronics”, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 2003;
2005 - 5-th Internat. Conf. on “Semiconductor Micro- & Nano-Electronics”, Aghveran, Armenia, 2005;
2006 - Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC’06), Seattle, WA, USA, 2006; Москва, Россия, 2008;
2008- 40-th National Conference “Laser Physics-2008”, Ashtarak-2, Armenia, 2008;
2008 - “Global Security Challenge” (GSC-2008)- Asian Semi-Finals, Singapore, Singapore, September 26, 2008;
2008 - “Global Security Challenge” (GSC-2008) - World Grand-Finals, London, UK, November 13, 2008;
2009 - International Advanced Research Workshop on Modern Prob¬lems in Optics & Photonics (MPOP-2009), Yerevan, Armenia, 2009;
2009 - “Global Security Challenge” (GSC-2009) - European Regional Finals, Athens, Greece, September 16, 2009;
2009 - International Conference on “Electrons, Positrons, Neutrons and X-Rays Scat¬tering Under External Influences”,
Yerevan-Meghri, Armenia, 26-30 October, 2009;
2011 - Intergovernmental Progr. of Innovative Cooper. among SIC Countries, Moscow, Russia, March 18, 2011 - among the winners;
2011 - International Symposium on Optics & its Application (OPTICS-2011),
Yerevan-Ashtarak, Armenia, 5-9 September, 2011;
2011 - International Conference on “Electron, Positron, Neutron and X-Ray Scattering Under External Influences”,
Yerevan-Meghri, Armenia, 18-22 October, 2011;
2012 - European Seismological Com¬mission (ESC 2012), 33-rd General Assembly, Symposiums “DAP-1: Seismological Observation and Interpretation & DAP-4: Seismological Obser¬vations and Research Infrastructures: Towards a European Plate Observatory”, Moscow, Russia, August 19-24, 2012.
2013 - International Symposium on Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry “Stress and Behavior: Yerevan-2013”,
Yerevan, Armenia, September 20-21, 2013.
2013 - Third Jubilee International Conference on Neuroscience and Biological Psychiatry,
Yerevan, Armenia, September 22-24, 2013.
List of Publications
127 Published PAPERS: among them
1 - Teaching aid (tutorial);
1 - Chapter in an International Book;
38 - Papers in an International (25) and local (13) peer-review Journals;
76 - Proceedings (51) and Abstracts (25) in a pear-reviewed Internatio¬nal Conferences and Workshops;
6 - Armenian (2) and Russian (2) PATENTS and Soviet Inventor’s Certificates (2);
5 - Preprints.
Armenian, Russian,English