Samvel H. Jilavyan
1976 - 1981: Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Yerevan State University (YSU), Diploma with Honors of Mechanic, Applied Mathematician
1981 - 1984: Post - graduate student at Department of Solid Mechanics, YSU
Academic degree
Doctor of Mathematics, 1987 (PhD. degree), thesis “Some termoelasticity problems for anisotropic plates in view the transvers deformations”, 1987, Yerevan
Professional experience
1985 - till now: Senior and Leading Scientific Researcher of Scientific Themes.
1988 - 1996: Vice Dean of Faculty of Mechanics, YSU
1989: lecturer at the Department of Solid Mechanics
2007: at the Department of Mechanics.
1991 - till now: Assistant, Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanics, YSU
Academic courses
Continuum Mechanics, Strength of materials and stuctural mechanics, Waves in continuum media, Methods of solving of continuum mechanics problems, Thermodinamics and termoelasticity
Scale of professional interests
Theory of Elasticity , Plates and Shells Theory, Magnito and Termoelasticity of Plates, Wave Propagation and Diffraction in Solid Medium, Theory of Termoelasticity, Propagation and Diffraction of Electroelastic Waves in Piezoelectric Medium
Participation in grant projects
2002 - till now: Member of Scientific Theme: “Contact and Mixed Problems of the Theory of Elasticity. Waves Diffraction and Radiation in Elastic and Electroelastic Medium”
Armenian, Russian, English
Professional membership
1991 - 1995: Scientific Secretary of Specialized Council for Award of PhD Degree.
1996 - 2002: Member of Scientific Council of Yerevan State University.
1989 - 2007: Scient. Secretary of Council of Faculty of Mechanics, 2007 Scientific
Secretary of Council of Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, YSU.
1976 - 1981: Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Yerevan State University (YSU), Diploma with Honors of Mechanic, Applied Mathematician
1981 - 1984: Post - graduate student at Department of Solid Mechanics, YSU
Academic degree
Doctor of Mathematics, 1987 (PhD. degree), thesis “Some termoelasticity problems for anisotropic plates in view the transvers deformations”, 1987, Yerevan
Professional experience
1985 - till now: Senior and Leading Scientific Researcher of Scientific Themes.
1988 - 1996: Vice Dean of Faculty of Mechanics, YSU
1989: lecturer at the Department of Solid Mechanics
2007: at the Department of Mechanics.
1991 - till now: Assistant, Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanics, YSU
Academic courses
Continuum Mechanics, Strength of materials and stuctural mechanics, Waves in continuum media, Methods of solving of continuum mechanics problems, Thermodinamics and termoelasticity
Scale of professional interests
Theory of Elasticity , Plates and Shells Theory, Magnito and Termoelasticity of Plates, Wave Propagation and Diffraction in Solid Medium, Theory of Termoelasticity, Propagation and Diffraction of Electroelastic Waves in Piezoelectric Medium
Participation in grant projects
2002 - till now: Member of Scientific Theme: “Contact and Mixed Problems of the Theory of Elasticity. Waves Diffraction and Radiation in Elastic and Electroelastic Medium”
Armenian, Russian, English
Professional membership
1991 - 1995: Scientific Secretary of Specialized Council for Award of PhD Degree.
1996 - 2002: Member of Scientific Council of Yerevan State University.
1989 - 2007: Scient. Secretary of Council of Faculty of Mechanics, 2007 Scientific
Secretary of Council of Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, YSU.