Semyon A. Nigiyan
1966 - 1971: Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, YSU
1971 - 1974: Post-Graduate Courses, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, YSU
Academic degree
Candidate of Science (in Mathematics), “Compactness and Partial Solvability of the Non-inclusion Relation for some Classes of Program Schemas”, 4 of December 1980, Computer Center of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, USSR.
Doctor of Science (in Mathematics), “Functional and Logical Programming Languages (Formalization, Analysis, Interpretation)”, 24 of October 1997, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Professional experience
2007 - present: Head of Chair of Programming and Information Technologies, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Yerevan State University (YSU)
2001 - 2007: Head of Chair of System Programming, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, YSU
2000 - 2001: Professor of Chair of Algorithmic Languages, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, YSU
1992 - 2000: Docent of Chair of Algorithmic Languages, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, YSU
1991 - 1992: Head of Chair of Algorithmic Languages, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, YSU
1982 - 1990: Docent of Chair of Computer Software, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, YSU
1975 - 1982: Assistant of Chair of Computer Software, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, YSU
October 1997, March - April 1997: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
September - 1990: Eötvös Lorant University, Budapest, Hungary
February - May 1985, September - December 1980: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, USSR
Academic courses
Translation Theory, Functional Programming Systems, Semantics of Programming Languages, Foundations of Logic Programming
Scale of professional interests
Programming Languages and Systems, Functional Programming and Lambda Calculus, Logic Programming, Mathematical Models of Computation
Participation in grant projects (present and past) Grants of Government of Armenia: 94-719, 2000 - 13, 0828, 0119, 1027
Armenian, Russiаn, English
Professional membership
Mathematical Society of Armenia
Professional council 044 “Mathematical Cybernetics and Mathematical Logic”
Editorial staff of scientific journal “Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, Physical and Mathematical Sciences”, Yerevan State University Press
1966 - 1971: Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, YSU
1971 - 1974: Post-Graduate Courses, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, YSU
Academic degree
Candidate of Science (in Mathematics), “Compactness and Partial Solvability of the Non-inclusion Relation for some Classes of Program Schemas”, 4 of December 1980, Computer Center of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, USSR.
Doctor of Science (in Mathematics), “Functional and Logical Programming Languages (Formalization, Analysis, Interpretation)”, 24 of October 1997, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia.
Professional experience
2007 - present: Head of Chair of Programming and Information Technologies, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Yerevan State University (YSU)
2001 - 2007: Head of Chair of System Programming, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, YSU
2000 - 2001: Professor of Chair of Algorithmic Languages, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, YSU
1992 - 2000: Docent of Chair of Algorithmic Languages, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, YSU
1991 - 1992: Head of Chair of Algorithmic Languages, Faculty of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, YSU
1982 - 1990: Docent of Chair of Computer Software, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, YSU
1975 - 1982: Assistant of Chair of Computer Software, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, YSU
October 1997, March - April 1997: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
September - 1990: Eötvös Lorant University, Budapest, Hungary
February - May 1985, September - December 1980: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, USSR
Academic courses
Translation Theory, Functional Programming Systems, Semantics of Programming Languages, Foundations of Logic Programming
Scale of professional interests
Programming Languages and Systems, Functional Programming and Lambda Calculus, Logic Programming, Mathematical Models of Computation
Participation in grant projects (present and past) Grants of Government of Armenia: 94-719, 2000 - 13, 0828, 0119, 1027
Armenian, Russiаn, English
Professional membership
Mathematical Society of Armenia
Professional council 044 “Mathematical Cybernetics and Mathematical Logic”
Editorial staff of scientific journal “Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, Physical and Mathematical Sciences”, Yerevan State University Press