Seyran R. Suvaryan
Education (since Higher Educational Institution)
1981-1986 - Department of Geography of Yerevan State University
1986-1989 - Yerevan State University, Chair of Social Economy Geography, PhD student
1984-1986 - Organizing of tourism (second profession YSU)
1985-1987 - Diploma of lawyer (second profession YSU)
Scientific degree
2001 - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate professor
Work experience
1993- up to now - Lecturer in Yerevan State University
1993-1996 - RA Ministry of Economy, Head of Foreign Economic Relations and Contracts;
1996-1998 - "ArdShinBank", Deputy Director;
1998-2001 - Title Registration Project Implementation Unit of World Bank, Head of Expert Department.
1993-up to now - International projects (financed by UNEP, USAID, ARD, REC Caucuses)
2005 -up to now - Vice-President of Armenian Geographical Society.
Delivered lectures
Geoeclogy, Geography of Turkey, Basis of Ecology and Nature Protection, Marketing in the field of Social-Cultural Service, Management in the field of Social-Cultural Service, Introduction of Social-Cultural Service and Tourism, Basis of Economical Geography prognosis,
Theoretical and methodical basis of Geography, Management of Nature use, Geoeclogical Monitoring, Management.
Framework of scientific interests
Natural resources, Economy of Nature use, Geoeclogy, Territorial planning, Geographical prognosis, Methodology of Social-Economical Geography, Social-Economical Service, Management of Service
Armenian (native), Russian (fluent), English (good)
Participation in the International conference and scientific seminars
18 scientific articles, 17 maps, 9 metodological books
1981-1986 - Department of Geography of Yerevan State University
1986-1989 - Yerevan State University, Chair of Social Economy Geography, PhD student
1984-1986 - Organizing of tourism (second profession YSU)
1985-1987 - Diploma of lawyer (second profession YSU)
Scientific degree
2001 - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate professor
Work experience
1993- up to now - Lecturer in Yerevan State University
1993-1996 - RA Ministry of Economy, Head of Foreign Economic Relations and Contracts;
1996-1998 - "ArdShinBank", Deputy Director;
1998-2001 - Title Registration Project Implementation Unit of World Bank, Head of Expert Department.
1993-up to now - International projects (financed by UNEP, USAID, ARD, REC Caucuses)
2005 -up to now - Vice-President of Armenian Geographical Society.
Delivered lectures
Geoeclogy, Geography of Turkey, Basis of Ecology and Nature Protection, Marketing in the field of Social-Cultural Service, Management in the field of Social-Cultural Service, Introduction of Social-Cultural Service and Tourism, Basis of Economical Geography prognosis,
Theoretical and methodical basis of Geography, Management of Nature use, Geoeclogical Monitoring, Management.
Framework of scientific interests
Natural resources, Economy of Nature use, Geoeclogy, Territorial planning, Geographical prognosis, Methodology of Social-Economical Geography, Social-Economical Service, Management of Service
Armenian (native), Russian (fluent), English (good)
Participation in the International conference and scientific seminars
18 scientific articles, 17 maps, 9 metodological books