Shushanik H. Paronyan
1986 - 1989: Post-graduate studies at the Department of English Philology, Leningrad (Sanct Peterburg) State University
1984 - 1986: researcher at the Department of English Philology, Leningrad (Sanct Peterburg) State University
1973 - 1978: English Language and Literature, Romance-Germanic Philology Department, Yerevan State University, Diploma of Excellency
Academic Degree
2010: “The Cognitive-pragmatic Aspect of Verbal Interaction in English”, Diploma of Doctor of Philology (Germanic Languages) from Yerevan State University
1989: “Directed Conversational Units in Spoken Discourse”, Diploma of Candidate of Philology (Germanic languages) from Sanct Peterburg State University
Professional experience
1993 - present: Associate professor, Chair of English Philology, Romance-Germanic Philology Department, Yerevan State University
1989 - 1993: Lecturer of English, Chair of English Philology, Romance-Germanic Philology
Department, Yerevan State University
1978 - 1980: Senior researcher at the laboratory of Engineering Psychology, Yerevan State University
Academic courses
English for Academic Purposes, Introduction to Philology, History of English, Pragmalinguistics, Discourse Analysis
Scale of professional interests
Discourse Analysis, Cognitive Linguistics, Pragmalinguistics, EAP
English and Russian (fluent), German (conversational)
Professional membership
2005 – present: Head of the Methodological Council of Romance-Germanic Philology Faculty
2005 - present: Member of Scientific Council of Romance-Germanic Philology Faculty
2004 – present: Member of AASE (Armenian Association for the Study of English)
2005 – present: Member of the Editorial Board of the AASE Journal of English Studies ‘Armenian Folia Anglistika’
1986 - 1989: Post-graduate studies at the Department of English Philology, Leningrad (Sanct Peterburg) State University
1984 - 1986: researcher at the Department of English Philology, Leningrad (Sanct Peterburg) State University
1973 - 1978: English Language and Literature, Romance-Germanic Philology Department, Yerevan State University, Diploma of Excellency
Academic Degree
2010: “The Cognitive-pragmatic Aspect of Verbal Interaction in English”, Diploma of Doctor of Philology (Germanic Languages) from Yerevan State University
1989: “Directed Conversational Units in Spoken Discourse”, Diploma of Candidate of Philology (Germanic languages) from Sanct Peterburg State University
Professional experience
1993 - present: Associate professor, Chair of English Philology, Romance-Germanic Philology Department, Yerevan State University
1989 - 1993: Lecturer of English, Chair of English Philology, Romance-Germanic Philology
Department, Yerevan State University
1978 - 1980: Senior researcher at the laboratory of Engineering Psychology, Yerevan State University
Academic courses
English for Academic Purposes, Introduction to Philology, History of English, Pragmalinguistics, Discourse Analysis
Scale of professional interests
Discourse Analysis, Cognitive Linguistics, Pragmalinguistics, EAP
English and Russian (fluent), German (conversational)
Professional membership
2005 – present: Head of the Methodological Council of Romance-Germanic Philology Faculty
2005 - present: Member of Scientific Council of Romance-Germanic Philology Faculty
2004 – present: Member of AASE (Armenian Association for the Study of English)
2005 – present: Member of the Editorial Board of the AASE Journal of English Studies ‘Armenian Folia Anglistika’