Susanna R. Arakelyan
Education, Academic degrees
2006 - Ph. assistant professor
2003 - Diploma of Candidate of philolgical sciences
1987 - 1991 Post-graduate student, YSU German philology chair
Professional experience
2006 - Ph. assistant professor of the chair of German philology
2000 - assistant of the German philology chair
1990 - 2000 lecturer of the German philology chair
2005 - member of the counsil of Faculty of Romance and German philology
Foreign Languages
German, Russian, English (fluent)
2006 - Ph. assistant professor
2003 - Diploma of Candidate of philolgical sciences
1987 - 1991 Post-graduate student, YSU German philology chair
Professional experience
2006 - Ph. assistant professor of the chair of German philology
2000 - assistant of the German philology chair
1990 - 2000 lecturer of the German philology chair
2005 - member of the counsil of Faculty of Romance and German philology
Foreign Languages
German, Russian, English (fluent)