Susanna M. Badalyan
Academic background
1981 - 1983: Post-graduate studies in mycology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Department of Algology and Mycology (Moscow, Russia).
1975 - 1980: Bachelors/Masters in Science (Biology/Mycology), Yerevan State University, YSU (Yerevan, Armenia).
Academic degree(s)
1988: Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph.D.) - “Systematics, Bio-Ecology and Physiological Activity of Nematoloma fasciculare (Huds.: Fr.) Karst.”, Institute of Botany, NAS of Armenia (Yerevan, Armenia)
1998: Doctor of Biological Sciences (D.Sc.) - “Biological Properties (Morphology, Ecology and Physiological Activity) of Several Macroscopic Fungi (Basidiomycotina)”, Institute of Botany, NAS of Armenia (Yerevan, Armenia)
Professional experience
1984 – 1991: Junior Researcher, YSU, Armenia
1991 – 1992: Researcher, YSU, Armenia
1992 – 1993: Senior Researcher, YSU, Armenia
1993 – 2005: Leading Researcher, Head of Fungal Biology and Biotechnology Group, YSU, Armenia
1999 – 2005: Associate Professor, Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia
2000 – 2005: Associate Professor, YSU, Armenia
Since 2005: Professor, Principal Researcher, Head of Laboratory of Fungal Biology and Biotechnology, YSU, Armenia
Academic courses
Lecturer in General and Medical Mycology, Fungal Biology and Biotechnology, Fungal Genetics and Cytology, Fungal Systematic and Phylogeny, General Biology and Botany.
Scale of professional Interests
Fungal Biology and Biotechnology, Fungal Genetics and Phylogeny, Medicinal mushrooms.
Actual research supervision
PhD thesis – 4 (2004, 2010, 2011), Masters thesis – 4 (2005, 2008, 2010, 2011), Bachelor graduation thesis – 7 (2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013).
International collaborations, scientific contacts, visiting positions:
Since 1981: M. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
1993: Institute of Botany, University of Regensburg, Germany, Visiting scientist
1993 - 1997: Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Montpellier 1, France, Visiting scientist
1998 - 1999: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada, Guest scientist
1998 - 2005 : Museum Nationale d’Histoire de Nature, Paris, France
Since 2000: Faculty of Agraria, University of Bologna, Italy, Visiting scientist
2002: Institute of Forest Botany, University of Göttingen, Germany, Visiting scientist
Since 2002: Department of Botany, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Since 2002: North Carolina Agriculture & Technology State University, Greensboro, USA
2003: Department of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, Guest scientist
2007: Institute of Forest Botany, George-August-University of Göttingen, Germany, Guest scientist
2008 and 2011: Section Wood Biotechnology and Technical Mycology, Büsgen-Institute, George-August-University Göttingen, Germany, Visiting Professor
2009 and 2013: University of Urbino, Italy, Visiting Professor
2009 and 2013: Faculty of Agraria, University of Bologna, Italy, Visiting Professor
Participation in grant projects
1993 - 1995: Grant by Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (#93-344), Project Leader
1996 - 1999: Grant by Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (#93-845), Project Leader
2000 - 2002: Grant by Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (#0718), Project Leader
2003 - 2004: Grant by Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (#0104), Project Leader
2005 - 2007: Grant by Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (#0169) Project Leader
1993, 2002, 2008 and 2011: DAAD Fellowships (University of Regensburg -1993; University of Göttingen – 2002, 2008 and 2011), Germany
1993, 1994, 1996 and 1997: Grants by Ministry of Education, Science and Research (M.E.S.R.), France
1994: Grant by G. Soros ISF, USA
2001 and 2009: Grants by University of Bologna, Italy
2004 - 2006: NATO Reintegration Grant (# FEL.RIG.980764), Project Leader
2004: Grant by ANSEF (Armenian National Science & Education Fund) (# 04-NS-biotech-814-73), USA, Project Leader
2004 - 2006: DAAD Equipment Grant (#548.104401.174), Germany, Project Leader
2004: Grant by American Mushroom Institute (AMI), USA
2004: Grant by Osaka Fermentation Institute (OFI), Japan
2005: Grant by ISTC
2000, 2006 and 2007: Grants by British Mycological Society (BMS), UK
2006: Grant by INTAS
2007: Grant by DAAD, Germany
2007: Grant by NATO
2007 and 2010: Grants by World Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC)
2007, 2008 and 2009: Grants by European Science Foundation (ESF)
2008 and 2011: Grants by World Society of Mushrooms Biology and Mushrooms Products (WSMBMP)
2012: DAAD Equipment Grant (#548.104401.317), Germany, Project Leader
2013: Grant by MES SCS RA “MES SCS RA – RFBR – 2013” Armenian-Russian Joint Research Program (#13RF-110), Project Leader
Armenian, Russian, English, French
Professional memberships
Since 2002: Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician
Since 2002: Member of Scientific Council of Faculty of Biology, YSU
Since 2004: Member of Specialized Scientific Council 035, "Botany/Mycology”, Institute of Botany, NAS of Armenia
2004: Member of British Mycological Society
2005: Member of American Mycological Society
Since 2005: Member of Specialized Scientific Council 018, “Biotechnology”, SPC “Armbiotechnology”, NAS of Armenia
Since 2008: President of Armenian Association of Mushroom Sciences (NGO)
Since 2013: Member of World Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC)
Referee and Editorial work:
Since 2007: Editorial board member of International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms (IJMM, Beggel house, USA)
Since 2008: Reviewer of Archives of Microbiology (Springer), Food Biotechnology (Taylor & Francis), Food Chemistry (Elsevier)
Since 2010: Referee of the State Committee of Science, Armenia
Since 2011: Editorial board member of International Journal of Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology (IJMMB, InTech)
Since 2012: Referee of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIURA), Italy
Since 2012: Editorial board member of Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology (PJP)
2012 - 2014: Editorial board member of Int. eSci Journal of Plant Pathology (eSci Journals Publishing)
Since 2012: Editorial board member of Microbiology Discovery (Herbert Publications, HOPJ, UK)
Since 2013: Editorial board member of Applied Scientific Reports (Herbert Publications, HOAJ, UK)
Participation and Contributions in Scientific Meetings (1985-2013)
III All Union Conf. Investigation of Fungi in Biogeocenosis (Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1985)
X Sci. Symp. Mycol. and Lichenol. Baltic Rep. & Belarussia (Latvia, Riga, 1985)
VII Conf. Trans-Caucasus Rep. on Sporic Plants (Yerevan, Armenia, 1986)
IV All Union Conf. Investigation of Fungi in Biogeocenoses (Russia, Perm, 1988)
X Int. Congr. European Mycologists (Tallinn, Estonia, 1989)
IV Inter. Mycological Congress (Regensburg, Germany, 1990)
II Republ. Sci. Conf. (Armenia, Yerevan, 1996)
III Int. cong. Science and Cultivation of Mushrooms (Kashira, Russia, 1996)
IV Meeting of Europ. Council Conserv. Fungi (Vipiteno, Italy, 1997)
I and II Inter. Conf. Methodological Bases of Learning … (Donetsk, Ukraine, 1997, 2002)
IV Int. colloq. Produits Naturels d’Origine Vegetale (Ottawa, Canada, 1998)
II Int. Symp. Plant Biotechnology (Kiev, Ukraine, 1998)
Reunion du Reseau de Mycologie (Lille, France, 1999)
Int. conf. Mycorrhyza (Ottawa, Canada, 1999)
Int. Symp. Mycology and Cryptogamic Botany (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2000)
Int. Symp. Bioactive Fungal Metabolites: Impact and Exploitation (Swansea, UK, 2001)
Int. conf. Persp. Med. Mushrooms Health & Nutrition in the 21st Century, IMMC1 (Kiev, Ukraine, 2001) - Member of Scientific Committee
I Russian Mycological Congress (Moscow, Russia, 2002)
VII Int. Mycological Congress (Oslo, Norway, 2002)
II Int. Congr. Biotechnology: State & Perspectives of Development (Moscow, Russia, 2003)
XI Congr. Russian Botanical Society (Barnaoul, Russia, 2003)
XIV Congr. European Mycologists (Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine, 2003)
X Nat. Congr. Human and Medicines (Moscow, Russia, 2003)
VAAM conf. Molecular Biology of Fungi 2003 (Goettingen, Germany, 2003)
Int. DAAD Workshop (Kerman, Iran, 2003)
XVI Int. congr. Science and Cultivation of Edible & Medicinal Fungi (Miami, USA, 2004)
XVII North American Mushroom Congress (Miami, USA, 2004)
Academy colloq. Fungal Phylogenomics (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2004)
Int. Symp. Understanding poplar: From genes to functions (Göttingen, Germany, 2004)
CBS Int. Symp. 100 Years of Fungal Biodiversity & Ecology (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2004)
X Int. Congr. Culture Collections, ICCC10 (Tsukuba, Japan, 2004)
I, III and V Russian congr. Medical Mycology (Moscow, Russia, 2003, 2005, 2006)
Int. conf. Genetic and Cellular Biology of Basidiomycetes -VI (Pamplona, Spain, 2005)
MSA/MSJ Joint Meeting (Hilo, Hawaii, 2005)
Int. conf. Biotechnol. and Health & DAAD Alumni Seminar (Yerevan, Armenia, 2005, 2008, 2010) - Member of Scientific Committee
III Int. Medicinal Mushrooms Conf., IMMC3 (Port Townsend, USA, 2005)
Workshop INTAS – South Caucasus 2006 (Tbilisi, Georgia, 2006)
Int. conf. Adv. Biotechnol: Perspec. Develop. in Armenia (Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 2006, 2008)
VIII Int. Mycological Congress (Cairns, Australia, 2006)
I African Sci. Conf. Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms (Kampala, Uganda, 2006)
DAAD Alumni Seminar for the Southern Caucasus (Tbilisi, Georgia, 2007)
XV Congr. European Mycologist (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2007)
XI Int. Congr. Culture Collections, ICCC11 (Goslar, Germany, 2007)
BMS Annual Meeting. Ecology of Fungal Communities (Manchester, UK, 2007)
ESF Conf. Synthetic Biology, ECSB-2007 (St. Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 2007)
IV Int. Medicinal Mushrooms Conf., IMMC4 (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007) - Member of Scientific Committee
ESF World Conf. on Research Integrity (Lisbon, Portugal, 2007)
ESF Conf. System Biology (St. Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 2008)
XVII Int. ISMS Congress (Cape Town, South Africa, 2008)
IX Int. Congr. Plant Pathology (Turin, Italy, 2008)
III Congr. Int. di Spoleto sul Tartufo (Spoleto, Italy, 2008)
VI Int. Conf. Mushr. Biol. & Mushr. Prod. (Bonn, Germany, 2008)
ESF Conf. Copmlex Systems and Changes (St. Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 2009)
ESF-COST High-level Res. Conf. Natural Products Chemistry, Biology and Medicine-II (Acquafreda di Maratea, Italy, 2009)
DAAD Summerschool in Borstel (Borstel, Germany, 2009)
V Int. Medicinal Mushrooms Conf., IMMC5 (Nantong, China, 2009)
DAAD Seminar Research in Germany (Yerevan, Armenia, 2010)
XVI National and XIV Intern. Conferences of Biology (Mashhad, Iran, 2010)
VI Int. Medicinal Mushrooms Conf., IMMC6 (Zagreb, Croatia, 2011) - Member of Scientific Committee
VII Int. Conf. Mushr. Biol. & Mushr. Prod. (Arcachon, France, 2011)
V National Congr. New Idea on Agriculture (Tehran, Iran, 2011)
III Congress of Russian Mycologists (Moscow, Russia, 2012)
XVIII Int. ISMS Congr. (Beijing, China, 2012)
ISTC Seminar “Modern State Biotechnol. Developm. Ways of their Commercialization” (Yerevan, Armenia, 2012)
VII Int. Medicinal Mushrooms Conf., IMMC7 (Beijing, China, 2013)
XII Int. Cong. Cult. Collections, ICCC13 (Beijing, China, 2013)
XI Intern. Fungal Biology Conf. (Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013)
(+374 10) 57-76-71; 4-10
1981 - 1983: Post-graduate studies in mycology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), Department of Algology and Mycology (Moscow, Russia).
1975 - 1980: Bachelors/Masters in Science (Biology/Mycology), Yerevan State University, YSU (Yerevan, Armenia).
Academic degree(s)
1988: Candidate of Biological Sciences (Ph.D.) - “Systematics, Bio-Ecology and Physiological Activity of Nematoloma fasciculare (Huds.: Fr.) Karst.”, Institute of Botany, NAS of Armenia (Yerevan, Armenia)
1998: Doctor of Biological Sciences (D.Sc.) - “Biological Properties (Morphology, Ecology and Physiological Activity) of Several Macroscopic Fungi (Basidiomycotina)”, Institute of Botany, NAS of Armenia (Yerevan, Armenia)
Professional experience
1984 – 1991: Junior Researcher, YSU, Armenia
1991 – 1992: Researcher, YSU, Armenia
1992 – 1993: Senior Researcher, YSU, Armenia
1993 – 2005: Leading Researcher, Head of Fungal Biology and Biotechnology Group, YSU, Armenia
1999 – 2005: Associate Professor, Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia
2000 – 2005: Associate Professor, YSU, Armenia
Since 2005: Professor, Principal Researcher, Head of Laboratory of Fungal Biology and Biotechnology, YSU, Armenia
Academic courses
Lecturer in General and Medical Mycology, Fungal Biology and Biotechnology, Fungal Genetics and Cytology, Fungal Systematic and Phylogeny, General Biology and Botany.
Scale of professional Interests
Fungal Biology and Biotechnology, Fungal Genetics and Phylogeny, Medicinal mushrooms.
Actual research supervision
PhD thesis – 4 (2004, 2010, 2011), Masters thesis – 4 (2005, 2008, 2010, 2011), Bachelor graduation thesis – 7 (2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013).
International collaborations, scientific contacts, visiting positions:
Since 1981: M. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
1993: Institute of Botany, University of Regensburg, Germany, Visiting scientist
1993 - 1997: Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Montpellier 1, France, Visiting scientist
1998 - 1999: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Canada, Guest scientist
1998 - 2005 : Museum Nationale d’Histoire de Nature, Paris, France
Since 2000: Faculty of Agraria, University of Bologna, Italy, Visiting scientist
2002: Institute of Forest Botany, University of Göttingen, Germany, Visiting scientist
Since 2002: Department of Botany, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
Since 2002: North Carolina Agriculture & Technology State University, Greensboro, USA
2003: Department of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, Guest scientist
2007: Institute of Forest Botany, George-August-University of Göttingen, Germany, Guest scientist
2008 and 2011: Section Wood Biotechnology and Technical Mycology, Büsgen-Institute, George-August-University Göttingen, Germany, Visiting Professor
2009 and 2013: University of Urbino, Italy, Visiting Professor
2009 and 2013: Faculty of Agraria, University of Bologna, Italy, Visiting Professor
Participation in grant projects
1993 - 1995: Grant by Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (#93-344), Project Leader
1996 - 1999: Grant by Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (#93-845), Project Leader
2000 - 2002: Grant by Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (#0718), Project Leader
2003 - 2004: Grant by Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (#0104), Project Leader
2005 - 2007: Grant by Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (#0169) Project Leader
1993, 2002, 2008 and 2011: DAAD Fellowships (University of Regensburg -1993; University of Göttingen – 2002, 2008 and 2011), Germany
1993, 1994, 1996 and 1997: Grants by Ministry of Education, Science and Research (M.E.S.R.), France
1994: Grant by G. Soros ISF, USA
2001 and 2009: Grants by University of Bologna, Italy
2004 - 2006: NATO Reintegration Grant (# FEL.RIG.980764), Project Leader
2004: Grant by ANSEF (Armenian National Science & Education Fund) (# 04-NS-biotech-814-73), USA, Project Leader
2004 - 2006: DAAD Equipment Grant (#548.104401.174), Germany, Project Leader
2004: Grant by American Mushroom Institute (AMI), USA
2004: Grant by Osaka Fermentation Institute (OFI), Japan
2005: Grant by ISTC
2000, 2006 and 2007: Grants by British Mycological Society (BMS), UK
2006: Grant by INTAS
2007: Grant by DAAD, Germany
2007: Grant by NATO
2007 and 2010: Grants by World Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC)
2007, 2008 and 2009: Grants by European Science Foundation (ESF)
2008 and 2011: Grants by World Society of Mushrooms Biology and Mushrooms Products (WSMBMP)
2012: DAAD Equipment Grant (#548.104401.317), Germany, Project Leader
2013: Grant by MES SCS RA “MES SCS RA – RFBR – 2013” Armenian-Russian Joint Research Program (#13RF-110), Project Leader
Armenian, Russian, English, French
Professional memberships
Since 2002: Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician
Since 2002: Member of Scientific Council of Faculty of Biology, YSU
Since 2004: Member of Specialized Scientific Council 035, "Botany/Mycology”, Institute of Botany, NAS of Armenia
2004: Member of British Mycological Society
2005: Member of American Mycological Society
Since 2005: Member of Specialized Scientific Council 018, “Biotechnology”, SPC “Armbiotechnology”, NAS of Armenia
Since 2008: President of Armenian Association of Mushroom Sciences (NGO)
Since 2013: Member of World Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC)
Referee and Editorial work:
Since 2007: Editorial board member of International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms (IJMM, Beggel house, USA)
Since 2008: Reviewer of Archives of Microbiology (Springer), Food Biotechnology (Taylor & Francis), Food Chemistry (Elsevier)
Since 2010: Referee of the State Committee of Science, Armenia
Since 2011: Editorial board member of International Journal of Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology (IJMMB, InTech)
Since 2012: Referee of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIURA), Italy
Since 2012: Editorial board member of Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology (PJP)
2012 - 2014: Editorial board member of Int. eSci Journal of Plant Pathology (eSci Journals Publishing)
Since 2012: Editorial board member of Microbiology Discovery (Herbert Publications, HOPJ, UK)
Since 2013: Editorial board member of Applied Scientific Reports (Herbert Publications, HOAJ, UK)
Participation and Contributions in Scientific Meetings (1985-2013)
III All Union Conf. Investigation of Fungi in Biogeocenosis (Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1985)
X Sci. Symp. Mycol. and Lichenol. Baltic Rep. & Belarussia (Latvia, Riga, 1985)
VII Conf. Trans-Caucasus Rep. on Sporic Plants (Yerevan, Armenia, 1986)
IV All Union Conf. Investigation of Fungi in Biogeocenoses (Russia, Perm, 1988)
X Int. Congr. European Mycologists (Tallinn, Estonia, 1989)
IV Inter. Mycological Congress (Regensburg, Germany, 1990)
II Republ. Sci. Conf. (Armenia, Yerevan, 1996)
III Int. cong. Science and Cultivation of Mushrooms (Kashira, Russia, 1996)
IV Meeting of Europ. Council Conserv. Fungi (Vipiteno, Italy, 1997)
I and II Inter. Conf. Methodological Bases of Learning … (Donetsk, Ukraine, 1997, 2002)
IV Int. colloq. Produits Naturels d’Origine Vegetale (Ottawa, Canada, 1998)
II Int. Symp. Plant Biotechnology (Kiev, Ukraine, 1998)
Reunion du Reseau de Mycologie (Lille, France, 1999)
Int. conf. Mycorrhyza (Ottawa, Canada, 1999)
Int. Symp. Mycology and Cryptogamic Botany (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2000)
Int. Symp. Bioactive Fungal Metabolites: Impact and Exploitation (Swansea, UK, 2001)
Int. conf. Persp. Med. Mushrooms Health & Nutrition in the 21st Century, IMMC1 (Kiev, Ukraine, 2001) - Member of Scientific Committee
I Russian Mycological Congress (Moscow, Russia, 2002)
VII Int. Mycological Congress (Oslo, Norway, 2002)
II Int. Congr. Biotechnology: State & Perspectives of Development (Moscow, Russia, 2003)
XI Congr. Russian Botanical Society (Barnaoul, Russia, 2003)
XIV Congr. European Mycologists (Katsiveli, Crimea, Ukraine, 2003)
X Nat. Congr. Human and Medicines (Moscow, Russia, 2003)
VAAM conf. Molecular Biology of Fungi 2003 (Goettingen, Germany, 2003)
Int. DAAD Workshop (Kerman, Iran, 2003)
XVI Int. congr. Science and Cultivation of Edible & Medicinal Fungi (Miami, USA, 2004)
XVII North American Mushroom Congress (Miami, USA, 2004)
Academy colloq. Fungal Phylogenomics (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2004)
Int. Symp. Understanding poplar: From genes to functions (Göttingen, Germany, 2004)
CBS Int. Symp. 100 Years of Fungal Biodiversity & Ecology (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2004)
X Int. Congr. Culture Collections, ICCC10 (Tsukuba, Japan, 2004)
I, III and V Russian congr. Medical Mycology (Moscow, Russia, 2003, 2005, 2006)
Int. conf. Genetic and Cellular Biology of Basidiomycetes -VI (Pamplona, Spain, 2005)
MSA/MSJ Joint Meeting (Hilo, Hawaii, 2005)
Int. conf. Biotechnol. and Health & DAAD Alumni Seminar (Yerevan, Armenia, 2005, 2008, 2010) - Member of Scientific Committee
III Int. Medicinal Mushrooms Conf., IMMC3 (Port Townsend, USA, 2005)
Workshop INTAS – South Caucasus 2006 (Tbilisi, Georgia, 2006)
Int. conf. Adv. Biotechnol: Perspec. Develop. in Armenia (Tsakhkadzor, Armenia, 2006, 2008)
VIII Int. Mycological Congress (Cairns, Australia, 2006)
I African Sci. Conf. Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms (Kampala, Uganda, 2006)
DAAD Alumni Seminar for the Southern Caucasus (Tbilisi, Georgia, 2007)
XV Congr. European Mycologist (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2007)
XI Int. Congr. Culture Collections, ICCC11 (Goslar, Germany, 2007)
BMS Annual Meeting. Ecology of Fungal Communities (Manchester, UK, 2007)
ESF Conf. Synthetic Biology, ECSB-2007 (St. Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 2007)
IV Int. Medicinal Mushrooms Conf., IMMC4 (Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007) - Member of Scientific Committee
ESF World Conf. on Research Integrity (Lisbon, Portugal, 2007)
ESF Conf. System Biology (St. Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 2008)
XVII Int. ISMS Congress (Cape Town, South Africa, 2008)
IX Int. Congr. Plant Pathology (Turin, Italy, 2008)
III Congr. Int. di Spoleto sul Tartufo (Spoleto, Italy, 2008)
VI Int. Conf. Mushr. Biol. & Mushr. Prod. (Bonn, Germany, 2008)
ESF Conf. Copmlex Systems and Changes (St. Feliu de Guixols, Spain, 2009)
ESF-COST High-level Res. Conf. Natural Products Chemistry, Biology and Medicine-II (Acquafreda di Maratea, Italy, 2009)
DAAD Summerschool in Borstel (Borstel, Germany, 2009)
V Int. Medicinal Mushrooms Conf., IMMC5 (Nantong, China, 2009)
DAAD Seminar Research in Germany (Yerevan, Armenia, 2010)
XVI National and XIV Intern. Conferences of Biology (Mashhad, Iran, 2010)
VI Int. Medicinal Mushrooms Conf., IMMC6 (Zagreb, Croatia, 2011) - Member of Scientific Committee
VII Int. Conf. Mushr. Biol. & Mushr. Prod. (Arcachon, France, 2011)
V National Congr. New Idea on Agriculture (Tehran, Iran, 2011)
III Congress of Russian Mycologists (Moscow, Russia, 2012)
XVIII Int. ISMS Congr. (Beijing, China, 2012)
ISTC Seminar “Modern State Biotechnol. Developm. Ways of their Commercialization” (Yerevan, Armenia, 2012)
VII Int. Medicinal Mushrooms Conf., IMMC7 (Beijing, China, 2013)
XII Int. Cong. Cult. Collections, ICCC13 (Beijing, China, 2013)
XI Intern. Fungal Biology Conf. (Karlsruhe, Germany, 2013)
(+374 10) 57-76-71; 4-10