Syuzan F. Sargsyan
1983 - 1987: YSU, Faculty of Philology
1991 - 1994: YSU, Faculty of Philosaphy and Psychology, Department of Psychology, PhD Student
Academic degree
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate professor
Professional experience
1989 - 1991: YSU, Faculty of Philosaphy and Psychology, Chair of Psychology, Laborant
1991 - 2005: YSU, Faculty of Philosaphy and Psychology, Chair of Psychology, Assistant
2005 - present: YSU, Faculty of Philosaphy and Psychology, Department of Psychology, Chair of Social Psychology, Associate professor
2008 - present: Academy of Sciences, Armenia, Scientific worker
2008 till now: Yerevan State University, Centre of Pratical Psychology, Worker
Academic courses
Personal Psychology, Creative Psychology, General Psychology, Art-therapy
Scale of professional interests
Psychotherapy, Art-therapy
Armenian, Russian, Franch
1983 - 1987: YSU, Faculty of Philology
1991 - 1994: YSU, Faculty of Philosaphy and Psychology, Department of Psychology, PhD Student
Academic degree
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate professor
Professional experience
1989 - 1991: YSU, Faculty of Philosaphy and Psychology, Chair of Psychology, Laborant
1991 - 2005: YSU, Faculty of Philosaphy and Psychology, Chair of Psychology, Assistant
2005 - present: YSU, Faculty of Philosaphy and Psychology, Department of Psychology, Chair of Social Psychology, Associate professor
2008 - present: Academy of Sciences, Armenia, Scientific worker
2008 till now: Yerevan State University, Centre of Pratical Psychology, Worker
Academic courses
Personal Psychology, Creative Psychology, General Psychology, Art-therapy
Scale of professional interests
Psychotherapy, Art-therapy
Armenian, Russian, Franch