


Academic Books
Today the presentation of the book authored by YSU Professor Seda Gasparyan “The Armenian genocide: linguocognitive perspective” was held.

The presentation was held in the Hall of Sessions of YSU Academic Council. YSU Publishing House published the book, authored by the head of Chair of English Philology of YSU Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Seda Gasparyan.

As the reporters and reviewers assure, this work of Professor Gasparyan is a great contribution to both the Armenian Genocide Studies and in Armenian linguistics.

YSU Rector Aram Simonyan congratulated not only the author of the book, but also students, as this work is a manifestation of the intellectual potential of YSU.

Realizing the importance of the task, a great patriot and scientist, author of numerous linguistic researches in Armenian, English and Russian languages, decided to conduct a linguistic analysis from the perspective of cognitive linguistics of historical and scientific works on the Armenian genocide of some foreign authors.

“On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide the edition of this book is very important, as in the past few decades such books in the field of linguistics and history were not published. In this work, there are many advantages, such as the availability of language, and a combination of several sciences. This book is not a purely linguistic or historical research, but a scientific platform where sociology, linguistics, psychology, history intersect,”- said Aram Simonyan.

Guided by the principle of the unity of language and thought, the author had set a goal to identify the language as a means of political propaganda, public opinion formation, internal, invisible mechanism of the direct management of the human thinking.

“Seda Gasparyan commented articles and speeches by foreign politicians and historians in a professional language. This work is not only a linguocognitive research, but also a challenge to all those who do not recognize the Armenian Genocide, a call in which condemnation is pronounced,” - said the Rector of Yerevan State University of Languages and Social Sciences Gayane Gasparyan.

Director of the Institute of History of NAS RA Ashot Melkonyan, Associate Member of NAS RA Lavrenty Hovhannisyan, Editor of “Banber of Yerevan University” Hrachik Mirzoyan and others also expressed their gratitude and words of appreciation.

We should also add that linguocognitive analysis of oral and written statements by a number of politicians, historians and scholars of the Armenian Genocide (Henry Morgenthau, Guenther Lewy, Taner Akcam, Israel Charny, Yair Auron and others) allows to reveal the opinion of the speaker/writer, realistic approach to the issue, his real communicative goals that are often veiled by play on words, stylistic tricks and ambiguity.