


Academic Books
The birth of three books was celebrated at the Faculty of Journalism.

On September 12 in YSU Hall after Charents a presentation of monographs of the Chair of The History and Theory of Press of YSU Faculty of Journalism lecturers was held. The heroes of the event were Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Anahit Menemshyan, Candidate of Philology Anahit Brutyan and Candidate of Philology Gayane Soghomonyan.

Books are the revised versions of the Ph.D. theses of the authors and were published in YSU Publishing House with the financial support of the university. The presentation was attended by the Chairman of the Journalists Union of Armenia Astghik Gevorgyan, representatives of the faculty, students.

Head of the Chair of The History and Theory of Press, David Petrosyan, congratulating the authors of the books, said: For our chair 2009, indeed, is a fertile year. Three tutors of the chair, working with all their heart, finally achieved their cherished goal. The history of the press in its depth is an interesting world when you consider that nowadays few people are interested in newspapers and magazines of a decade. So, the work of our esteemed authors gets a double value. They managed to build a bridge between past and present.

Monograph by Anahit Menemshyan Le Monde and the Armenian reality is devoted to the study of multilateralism of most popular French newspaper Le Monde. Based on the wealth of evidence it shows the path traversed by the newspaper, discusses the features of its information, identify genre characteristics. In the field of view, the author found the relationship Le Monde - Armenian reality, backed by the original authors comments.

Anahit Menemshyan is confident that her readers will learn from the French press and, in particular, in the newspaper Le Monde how to be more impartial, how to respect people, whether ordinary citizen or a colleague: I must confess that the last chapter of the book I wrote with a special pleasure, it is very important when youre feeling, with what reverence and respect says a French journalist about the history and problems of your people.

In the monograph Eastern Armenian educational press Anahit Brutyan multilaterally analyzes one aspect of the Armenian professional journalism: taking into consideration the history of its creation, development trends, genre and linguistic-stylistic features.

The work by Gayane Soghomonyan New Journalism of Constantinople in the 80-ies of19th century is devoted to the history of periodicals of Constantinople, left their trace on the history of Armenian journalism, Arevelk and Masis.

According to the Dean of the Faculty of Journalism Naghash Martirosyan, such presentations encourage the publication of new books at the faculty: Editions of these monographs may be useful for people involved in the theory and history of the press, for students and for a wide range of readers.

The event came to its end in a kind of a ceremony adopted in 15th century after the establishment of printing.