


Academic Books
Today, YSU hosted a presentation of the book, authored by a renowned historian, diplomat and professor.

On March 27, YSU Faculty of International Relations hosted the presentation of the book “US Foreign Policy and Western Armenians (19th century -1914)”, written by Doctor of History, Professor, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Armenia to Austria Arman Kirakosyan.

The event was attended by YSU Rector Aram Simonyan, deans, professors and representatives of the diplomatic corps, academics, students and other guests.

“This is a truly remarkable day for all of us. The work of this great historian has a great significance not only for Armenian foreign policy and diplomacy, but also the entire educational process, as it will serve as a textbook for future historians and diplomats,” - said Aram Simonyan.

Then Dean of the Faculty of International Relations Gegham Petrosyan presented the monograph and focused on the most important parts of this work.

“This work, dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide, is another important book authored by the distinguished professor, historian and expert in the international relations. It fills the gap which exists in the area of articles in the foreign policy of that period,” - said Mr. Petrosyan.

The author of the work has analyzed US foreign policy principles, development of relations with the Ottoman Empire, beginning of the missionary movement, American diplomats’ and Protestant missions’ actions.

The professor also covers the situation of Western Armenians, evidences of diplomats and missionaries about the massacres in 1894-1896 and 1909, the American public responses and the assistance to the victims of the Genocide.

Speeches were made by the Director of the NAS RA Institute of Oriental Studies Ruben Safrastyan, Dean of the Faculty of History Edik Minasyan, Head of the Department of Armenia’s Neighboring Countries of the RA MFA Arsen Avagyan, Head of Chair of History of Political Science and Law of the Armenian State Pedagogical University Levon Shirinyan and others.

The author of the book expressed his gratitude for this presentation and all those who attended it.

“I have worked quite long on this work, almost 8 years, and I am glad I managed to complete the work successfully. And it is great this work will not only play great role in the fields of history and diplomacy, but also will be useful to students. It is very important to me,” - said the Professor.

The speakers highlighted not only professional skills, but also human values of the great diplomat and professor, characterizing him as a hard-working and purposeful person.

“Although he is a very busy person, he remains committed to his mission of scientist and historian, and never puts down the pen, for which we thank him and we hope that in the near future we will be present at the presentation of another book,” - said Aram Simonyan.

It should be noted that the book, published by the efforts of YSU Publishing House, is intended for historians, turkologists, politicians, diplomats, students and the Diaspora, as well as wide range of readers.

The book is dedicated to the 1915 Armenian Genocide victims.