Vahan V. Avetisyan
1976-1981: Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yerevan State University
Academic degree
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Candidate thesis: “Оptimal control of transport motions of manipulation robots”, Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov, 1989
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Doctoral thesis: “Оptimal and suboptimal control of positioning for mechanical systems”, Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov, 2003
Professional experience
From 2009 to date: Professor of Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, YSU
2004 – 2009: Associate professor of Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, YSU
2008, July-August and 2009, July: French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation(INRIA), France, Nice
2008, November: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
1991-1992: Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, YSU
1983-1986: Institute for Problem Mechanics of AS USSR, Moscow
From 1981 to date: Institute of Mechanics NAS RA, from junior to leading researcher
Academic courses
Variational calculus and optimal control
Convex Analysis
Controling dynamics systems
Linear problems of optimal control
Аpplication of optimal control of dynamic systems
Problems of control with incomplet informations
Scale of professional interests
Control of dynamic systems
Optimal search games problems
Control of dynamic objects in the problem of collision avoidance
Participation in grant projects
1992-2008: Head of the project «Control of dynamic systems in conditions with complete and incomplete informations» financing by Armenia’s budgetary
EGIDE Programme ECO-NET Research Grant
Armenian, russian, english
Professional membership
Member of academic council of faculty of mathematics and mechanics of YSU
Member of specialized council 047 of NAC RA in the institute of mechanics of NAS RA
Mеmber of National committee of theoretical and applied mechanics of Armenia
1976-1981: Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, Yerevan State University
Academic degree
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Candidate thesis: “Оptimal control of transport motions of manipulation robots”, Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov, 1989
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Doctoral thesis: “Оptimal and suboptimal control of positioning for mechanical systems”, Moscow State University after M.V. Lomonosov, 2003
Professional experience
From 2009 to date: Professor of Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, YSU
2004 – 2009: Associate professor of Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, YSU
2008, July-August and 2009, July: French Institute for Research in Computer Science and Automation(INRIA), France, Nice
2008, November: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
1991-1992: Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, YSU
1983-1986: Institute for Problem Mechanics of AS USSR, Moscow
From 1981 to date: Institute of Mechanics NAS RA, from junior to leading researcher
Academic courses
Variational calculus and optimal control
Convex Analysis
Controling dynamics systems
Linear problems of optimal control
Аpplication of optimal control of dynamic systems
Problems of control with incomplet informations
Scale of professional interests
Control of dynamic systems
Optimal search games problems
Control of dynamic objects in the problem of collision avoidance
Participation in grant projects
1992-2008: Head of the project «Control of dynamic systems in conditions with complete and incomplete informations» financing by Armenia’s budgetary
EGIDE Programme ECO-NET Research Grant
Armenian, russian, english
Professional membership
Member of academic council of faculty of mathematics and mechanics of YSU
Member of specialized council 047 of NAC RA in the institute of mechanics of NAS RA
Mеmber of National committee of theoretical and applied mechanics of Armenia