Vahram D. Avetisyan
Education: 1994 -1999 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law, Excellence Diploma.
On the 20th of April of 2014 defended the dissertation and acquired the degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) by the Resolution of RA Supreme Certifying Commission Law - 001.
In 2001 was awarded the degree of Doctor of Law by the Council of Yerevan State University.
On the 20th of November of 2001 defended the dissertation and acquired the degree of Doctor of Law from the Council of Pan-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
From the 25th of September until the 20th of December of 2001 took the course for the enhancement of qualification in the field of “Roman private law”, which was conducted by the Center of Roman Law study of the law faculty of MGU after M.V. Lomonosov and the Center of Roman Law and Legal Systems study of CNR Italy.
Work Experience
From 27.07.2013 till now works as a Head of Department of Civil Law of Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law.
From 02.05.2012 till now works as a Director of the Yerevan branch of the International Institute of Monitoring the Development of Democracy of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly.
From 01.09.2006 to 27.07.2013 worked as a Professor /Docent/ at the Department of Civil Law of Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law.
From 2010 till 22.12.2011 arbitrator of the Arbitration Court under The Union of Banks of Armenia.
In 2008 worked as a anti-corruption expert at tha Armenian Branch of American non-governmental organization IFES.
From 22.12.2008 to 17.10.2009 worked as a senior prosecutor at the office of Pablic Prosecutor of the Republic of Aremenia.
From 01.07.2008 till 22.12.2008 worked at the Armenian Development Bank as a Chief af The Law Department-Head Legal Advisor.
In 11.11.2006 was given license of advocate’s activity by the Chamber of advocates of the Republic of Armenia.
In 02.02.2006 was awarded the title of Assistant Professor by the Council of Yerevan State University.
From 01.09.2002 to 01.09.2006 worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Civil Law of Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law.
From 03.03.2003 to 03.03.2008 worked at the Central Depository of Armenia as a Head Legal Advisor.
From 10.12.1999 to 24.09.2002 worked as a senior investigator within the Procuracy System of Aragatsotn region of RA.
The subject of the dissertation’s research works are: “Contemporary problems of corporate legal relations in the Republic of Armenia”, “Administrative and civil means of protections of personal non-property rights of citizens”.
The scope of scientific research works includes the legal regulation of securities market and corporate governance, as well as the problems of Civil law and Roman private law.
Author of more than forty scientific works.
(+374 60) 71-02-53
(inner line 12-53)
Education: 1994 -1999 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law, Excellence Diploma.
On the 20th of April of 2014 defended the dissertation and acquired the degree of Doctor of Sciences (Law) by the Resolution of RA Supreme Certifying Commission Law - 001.
In 2001 was awarded the degree of Doctor of Law by the Council of Yerevan State University.
On the 20th of November of 2001 defended the dissertation and acquired the degree of Doctor of Law from the Council of Pan-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
From the 25th of September until the 20th of December of 2001 took the course for the enhancement of qualification in the field of “Roman private law”, which was conducted by the Center of Roman Law study of the law faculty of MGU after M.V. Lomonosov and the Center of Roman Law and Legal Systems study of CNR Italy.
Work Experience
From 27.07.2013 till now works as a Head of Department of Civil Law of Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law.
From 02.05.2012 till now works as a Director of the Yerevan branch of the International Institute of Monitoring the Development of Democracy of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly.
From 01.09.2006 to 27.07.2013 worked as a Professor /Docent/ at the Department of Civil Law of Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law.
From 2010 till 22.12.2011 arbitrator of the Arbitration Court under The Union of Banks of Armenia.
In 2008 worked as a anti-corruption expert at tha Armenian Branch of American non-governmental organization IFES.
From 22.12.2008 to 17.10.2009 worked as a senior prosecutor at the office of Pablic Prosecutor of the Republic of Aremenia.
From 01.07.2008 till 22.12.2008 worked at the Armenian Development Bank as a Chief af The Law Department-Head Legal Advisor.
In 11.11.2006 was given license of advocate’s activity by the Chamber of advocates of the Republic of Armenia.
In 02.02.2006 was awarded the title of Assistant Professor by the Council of Yerevan State University.
From 01.09.2002 to 01.09.2006 worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Civil Law of Yerevan State University, Faculty of Law.
From 03.03.2003 to 03.03.2008 worked at the Central Depository of Armenia as a Head Legal Advisor.
From 10.12.1999 to 24.09.2002 worked as a senior investigator within the Procuracy System of Aragatsotn region of RA.
The subject of the dissertation’s research works are: “Contemporary problems of corporate legal relations in the Republic of Armenia”, “Administrative and civil means of protections of personal non-property rights of citizens”.
The scope of scientific research works includes the legal regulation of securities market and corporate governance, as well as the problems of Civil law and Roman private law.
Author of more than forty scientific works.
(+374 60) 71-02-53
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