Vladimir M. Aroutiounian
Status / Title
Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sci., Professor, Academician of National Academy of Sciences and Engineering Academy of Armenia
Main Research Interests / Expertise
Photoelectrochemical production of hydrogen and (thermo) photoelectric conversion of solar energy (solar cells), Physical properties of new semiconductor materials and structures; Chemical sensors, e-nose; Nanoelectronics and nanoscale effects. Microwave semi - and superconductor devices
Subsidiary Research Interests
Microwave Devices, High-Temperature Superconductors. Quantum-size semiconductor structures
Solar cells, Physics and Photoelectrochemistry of Solid State, Infrared and Microwave Devices, Semiconductor materials, Sensors, Optoelectronics. In Soviet time - military semiconductor infrared devices and materials, photoelectrochemical production of hydrogen and oxygen, microwave devices
Educational Background
1964 Kiever Polytechnic Institute, Kiev, Ukraine,
Semiconductors and Insulators.
1969 Institute for Radio Physics and Electronics of Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Ashtarak, Armenia
Physics of Semiconductors and Insulators
1970 PhD: Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
Physics of Semiconductors and Insulators
Thesis Title: Theoretical investigations of double and avalanche injection in semiconductors
1977 Doctor of Science: Vilnius State University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Physics of Semiconductors and Insulators
Thesis Title: Investigations of generation-recombination phenomena and double injection in semiconductors with a complicate bandgap
1981 Professor in Physics of Semiconductors and Insulators, High Certification Commission of USSR , Moscow, USSR
1990 Corresponding - member of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (1990 - 1996);
1996 Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (1996 - up to now) Yerevan, Armenia
Research and Work Experience
1965 Institute for Radio physics and Electronics of Academy of Sciences of Armenia - as engineer, research worker, scientific secretary of Institute , senior research worker- 1965 - 1974,
1974 Head of Laboratory of Semiconductor Devices -1974-1989
1977- up to now Yerevan State University, Armenia - Head of Department of Physics of Semiconductors and Microelectronics and Scientific Adviser of Research Laboratory of Physics of Semiconductor Materials and Devices from 2007 Scientific Manager of R&D Center of Semiconductor Devices and Nanotechnologies
Honors, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies
Governmental award-medal "Anania Shirakaci", Prize 2007 of President of Armenia, Award of Prime-Minister in 2009. Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Member of the Intern. Engineering Academy and Intern. Academy of Sciences "Ararat" (France). Editor-in-Chief of Izv . NAN Arm. Fizika /J. Contemporary Physics (NAS, Armenia / Allerton Press, USA/Springer/) and Armenian Journal of Physics, member of Sci. Council of Inter. Journal Alternative Energetics and Ecology as well as Journal Armenian Army. He was involved in past as the member of the Editor. Board of Int. Journal "Solar Cells" (Switzerland), reviewer of INTAS program projects, Active Member of New-York Academy of Sciences. Now he is the reviewer of several International journals. Member of Intern. Solar Energy Society, European Soc. on Quantum Solar Energy Conversion and European Materials Sci. Soc. Organizer and member of Org. Committee of many International, Republicans and All-Soviet Union Conferences in 1969-2009. Co-director of Intern. Organizing Committee of 1st and 2nd World Congresses on Alternative Energy and Ecology(2006, 2010). He was awarded by medal "For Contribution in World Science" (2006). Medal of ArmTech- 09 Congress (USA, 2009)
Language skills
Fluent in Russian, Armenian and English
Scientific visits abroad (out of the Soviet Union and NIS)
USA (2000-32 days, 1984-6 months), France (2002-2003-47 days, 2000-6 weeks, 1997-3 months), Italy (1999-2000-75 days, 1995, 1994 and 1990-one month each), Germany (2000-5 weeks, 1996-70 days), Greece(1995-one month), Great Britain(1975-1976-3 months), Romania(1972- 3 months)
I participated in Int. scientific conferences and made scientific work in France (20 times), USA (15), Germany (6), Austria (5), Italy (4), Spain (3), Czech Republic (3), Hungary (3), Sweden (2), Belgium (2), Iran (2), Greece, Norway, New Zeeland, Denmark, Poland, Japan, Malaysia, Portugal and Switzerland. I published more than 50 joint papers with foreign Scientists and got 4 joint patents.
Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sci., Professor, Academician of National Academy of Sciences and Engineering Academy of Armenia
Main Research Interests / Expertise
Photoelectrochemical production of hydrogen and (thermo) photoelectric conversion of solar energy (solar cells), Physical properties of new semiconductor materials and structures; Chemical sensors, e-nose; Nanoelectronics and nanoscale effects. Microwave semi - and superconductor devices
Subsidiary Research Interests
Microwave Devices, High-Temperature Superconductors. Quantum-size semiconductor structures
Solar cells, Physics and Photoelectrochemistry of Solid State, Infrared and Microwave Devices, Semiconductor materials, Sensors, Optoelectronics. In Soviet time - military semiconductor infrared devices and materials, photoelectrochemical production of hydrogen and oxygen, microwave devices
Educational Background
1964 Kiever Polytechnic Institute, Kiev, Ukraine,
Semiconductors and Insulators.
1969 Institute for Radio Physics and Electronics of Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Ashtarak, Armenia
Physics of Semiconductors and Insulators
1970 PhD: Yerevan State University, Yerevan, Armenia
Physics of Semiconductors and Insulators
Thesis Title: Theoretical investigations of double and avalanche injection in semiconductors
1977 Doctor of Science: Vilnius State University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Physics of Semiconductors and Insulators
Thesis Title: Investigations of generation-recombination phenomena and double injection in semiconductors with a complicate bandgap
1981 Professor in Physics of Semiconductors and Insulators, High Certification Commission of USSR , Moscow, USSR
1990 Corresponding - member of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (1990 - 1996);
1996 Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (1996 - up to now) Yerevan, Armenia
Research and Work Experience
1965 Institute for Radio physics and Electronics of Academy of Sciences of Armenia - as engineer, research worker, scientific secretary of Institute , senior research worker- 1965 - 1974,
1974 Head of Laboratory of Semiconductor Devices -1974-1989
1977- up to now Yerevan State University, Armenia - Head of Department of Physics of Semiconductors and Microelectronics and Scientific Adviser of Research Laboratory of Physics of Semiconductor Materials and Devices from 2007 Scientific Manager of R&D Center of Semiconductor Devices and Nanotechnologies
Honors, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies
Governmental award-medal "Anania Shirakaci", Prize 2007 of President of Armenia, Award of Prime-Minister in 2009. Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Member of the Intern. Engineering Academy and Intern. Academy of Sciences "Ararat" (France). Editor-in-Chief of Izv . NAN Arm. Fizika /J. Contemporary Physics (NAS, Armenia / Allerton Press, USA/Springer/) and Armenian Journal of Physics, member of Sci. Council of Inter. Journal Alternative Energetics and Ecology as well as Journal Armenian Army. He was involved in past as the member of the Editor. Board of Int. Journal "Solar Cells" (Switzerland), reviewer of INTAS program projects, Active Member of New-York Academy of Sciences. Now he is the reviewer of several International journals. Member of Intern. Solar Energy Society, European Soc. on Quantum Solar Energy Conversion and European Materials Sci. Soc. Organizer and member of Org. Committee of many International, Republicans and All-Soviet Union Conferences in 1969-2009. Co-director of Intern. Organizing Committee of 1st and 2nd World Congresses on Alternative Energy and Ecology(2006, 2010). He was awarded by medal "For Contribution in World Science" (2006). Medal of ArmTech- 09 Congress (USA, 2009)
Language skills
Fluent in Russian, Armenian and English
Scientific visits abroad (out of the Soviet Union and NIS)
USA (2000-32 days, 1984-6 months), France (2002-2003-47 days, 2000-6 weeks, 1997-3 months), Italy (1999-2000-75 days, 1995, 1994 and 1990-one month each), Germany (2000-5 weeks, 1996-70 days), Greece(1995-one month), Great Britain(1975-1976-3 months), Romania(1972- 3 months)
I participated in Int. scientific conferences and made scientific work in France (20 times), USA (15), Germany (6), Austria (5), Italy (4), Spain (3), Czech Republic (3), Hungary (3), Sweden (2), Belgium (2), Iran (2), Greece, Norway, New Zeeland, Denmark, Poland, Japan, Malaysia, Portugal and Switzerland. I published more than 50 joint papers with foreign Scientists and got 4 joint patents.