Yeghishe G. Kirakosyan
Armenian Ministry Training Program, 2 July - 16 December, 2007
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, MA, USA
PhD (Public International Law), 15 September, 2006
Topic: Custom in Present International Law, Yerevan State University, Armenia
Master of Jurisprudence (LLM degree), September 2002 - June 2004
Yerevan State University, Armenia
Bachelor’s degree in Law, September 1998- June 2002
Yerevan State University, Armenia
Academic Awards:
• Best Team/Memorial - Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition National Rounds 2003
• Best Oralist - Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition National Rounds 2004
• Diploma for winning the second prize in”The problems of judicial power in RA” student scientific conference devoted to the 70th anniversary of Law Department of YSU.
• Certificate for taking the first prize in contest ”Best student of YSU 2003”
• Special Award granted by German Embassy for best presentation of European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental freedoms during the fifth republic Competition “Constitution and law”- May 15-17 2003, Yerevan
• Letter of Honor for presentation of excellent knowledge during the Olympiad “Constitution and Law” - May 2001, 2003, Yerevan
• Letter of Honor for taking the first place in intellectual game-contest “Brain ring” organized by Law Department of YSU, Yerevan
• Letter of honor for giving report deserving a special encouragement during the conference on “The guarantees of human rights in Republic of Armenia”(April 28-29 2000,2002)
Philip C. Jessup Moot Court Competition, International Rounds, Team Member/Team Captain/Team Coach, Washington DC, USA (2003/2004/2005 and 2008)
F. Martens International Humanitarian Law Competition, Team Member, 2002 April, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Professional Experience:
Assistant Lecturer
Chair of European and International Law
Yerevan State University, September 2006 to present
Main Responsibilities: Conducting lectures, seminars on Public International Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights, Theory of International Law etc. Supervising student scientific activities in the field of European and International Law, supervising Master Degree thesises, coaching student teams for moot court competitions (e.g. Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition) etc.
Senior Legal Analyst Assistant, 10 January 2008 - 15 March 2008
OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission
Presidential Elections 2008, Armenia
Main Responsibilities: Acquire knowledge of the judicial system, establish and maintain contacts with relevant courts, prosecutor office, national election authorities, relevant ministries, representatives of civil society, drafts minutes of meetings and court hearings, summarize court cases, decisions and complaints used by the Legal Analyst, draft analysis of relevant legal texts, arrange various meetings with relevant authorities, interpret meetings to/from English, attends and interprets court hearings, prepare presentations for briefings, undertake research as instructed etc.
Legal Expert
Centre for European Law and Integration, October 2006 – May 2007
Main Responsibilities: Conducting research in the area of EU Law and EU integration related subjects, organizing seminars, workshops and other events on EU integration issues, supervising the activities of interns at the Centre, preparing publications etc.
Lawyer, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Armenia
Main Responsibilities: Participating in treaty –making process, i.e. drafting treaties, preparing for ratification procedure, consulting on international legal issues, giving expertise on the issues of Governmental responses to the ECHR applications. I was dealing mainly with the multilateral treaties within the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Legal advisor/Translator (English-Armenian-Russian), January 2003 – December 2004
Legal Advice Center for Applying to European Court of Human Rights Armenian Association of International Law
Yerevan, Armenia
Main Responsibilities: Consulting the citizens, giving them legal advice concerning the terms, way, time, reasons for applying to the Europan Court of Human Rights, helping them to form the application for sending to the European Court and providing them with the necessary information concerning the further activities after sending and regitering the application.
Organizing seminars and conferences on the topics concerning the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, its implementation into the national legal system, the case-law of the court etc.
• Bar Association of Republic of Armenia
• Armenian Association of International Law
• Association of Attenders and Alumni of the Hague Academy of International Law
Other Professional Activities
Completed Training on European Law, EU/ECEILAW-GOPA, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia 2006, 10-22 October
Participated in Study Tour at European University Institute, Florence, Bologna University, Italy, 2006, 2-10 December
Completed a Training Course in European Union Law, 13-22 October, 2006, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia.
Attended the Scientific-practical annual conference Fifth Martens Readings devoted to contemporary problems of International Humanitarian Law delivering a speech, St. Petersburg, Russia, 27-28 September, 2005.
Attended the lectures of the Summer Session on Public International Law Hague Academy of International Law, and The Hague, Netherlands, July 25 until August 12, 2005.
Attended The Warsaw Seminar on International Humanitarian Law, organized by the ICRC and Polish Red Cross Society, from 5t h to15th July, 2004, Warsaw, Poland.
The Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court into National Legislation, Conference, Organized by Armenian Association of International Law and ICRC, 13th May 2004, Yerevan, Armenia.
Took part in International Conference ''International Criminal Court and South Caucasus States'', organized by the Institute of European Law and International Law of Human Rights (ELHRILI) and Open Society Justice Initiative, 29.02.,-1.03.2004. Tbilisi, Georgia.
Completed a 4 day Training Course (founded by UK Foreign Office) on “Promoting Compliance of the European Convention on Human Rights”- organized by British East West Center and Center of Comparative Jurisprudence, 23-26 August, 2003 * Yerevan, Armenia.
Language and Computer Skills:
Armenian (mother tongue), Russian (mother tongue), English (fluent reading, writing, and oral skills), French (basic skills).
Knowledge of MS Office package (Word, Excel, Access), Internet research skills.
(+374 60) 71-02-55 (inner line 12-55)
Armenian Ministry Training Program, 2 July - 16 December, 2007
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, MA, USA
PhD (Public International Law), 15 September, 2006
Topic: Custom in Present International Law, Yerevan State University, Armenia
Master of Jurisprudence (LLM degree), September 2002 - June 2004
Yerevan State University, Armenia
Bachelor’s degree in Law, September 1998- June 2002
Yerevan State University, Armenia
Academic Awards:
• Best Team/Memorial - Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition National Rounds 2003
• Best Oralist - Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition National Rounds 2004
• Diploma for winning the second prize in”The problems of judicial power in RA” student scientific conference devoted to the 70th anniversary of Law Department of YSU.
• Certificate for taking the first prize in contest ”Best student of YSU 2003”
• Special Award granted by German Embassy for best presentation of European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental freedoms during the fifth republic Competition “Constitution and law”- May 15-17 2003, Yerevan
• Letter of Honor for presentation of excellent knowledge during the Olympiad “Constitution and Law” - May 2001, 2003, Yerevan
• Letter of Honor for taking the first place in intellectual game-contest “Brain ring” organized by Law Department of YSU, Yerevan
• Letter of honor for giving report deserving a special encouragement during the conference on “The guarantees of human rights in Republic of Armenia”(April 28-29 2000,2002)
Philip C. Jessup Moot Court Competition, International Rounds, Team Member/Team Captain/Team Coach, Washington DC, USA (2003/2004/2005 and 2008)
F. Martens International Humanitarian Law Competition, Team Member, 2002 April, Moscow, Russian Federation.
Professional Experience:
Assistant Lecturer
Chair of European and International Law
Yerevan State University, September 2006 to present
Main Responsibilities: Conducting lectures, seminars on Public International Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights, Theory of International Law etc. Supervising student scientific activities in the field of European and International Law, supervising Master Degree thesises, coaching student teams for moot court competitions (e.g. Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition) etc.
Senior Legal Analyst Assistant, 10 January 2008 - 15 March 2008
OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission
Presidential Elections 2008, Armenia
Main Responsibilities: Acquire knowledge of the judicial system, establish and maintain contacts with relevant courts, prosecutor office, national election authorities, relevant ministries, representatives of civil society, drafts minutes of meetings and court hearings, summarize court cases, decisions and complaints used by the Legal Analyst, draft analysis of relevant legal texts, arrange various meetings with relevant authorities, interpret meetings to/from English, attends and interprets court hearings, prepare presentations for briefings, undertake research as instructed etc.
Legal Expert
Centre for European Law and Integration, October 2006 – May 2007
Main Responsibilities: Conducting research in the area of EU Law and EU integration related subjects, organizing seminars, workshops and other events on EU integration issues, supervising the activities of interns at the Centre, preparing publications etc.
Lawyer, Legal Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Armenia
Main Responsibilities: Participating in treaty –making process, i.e. drafting treaties, preparing for ratification procedure, consulting on international legal issues, giving expertise on the issues of Governmental responses to the ECHR applications. I was dealing mainly with the multilateral treaties within the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Legal advisor/Translator (English-Armenian-Russian), January 2003 – December 2004
Legal Advice Center for Applying to European Court of Human Rights Armenian Association of International Law
Yerevan, Armenia
Main Responsibilities: Consulting the citizens, giving them legal advice concerning the terms, way, time, reasons for applying to the Europan Court of Human Rights, helping them to form the application for sending to the European Court and providing them with the necessary information concerning the further activities after sending and regitering the application.
Organizing seminars and conferences on the topics concerning the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, its implementation into the national legal system, the case-law of the court etc.
• Bar Association of Republic of Armenia
• Armenian Association of International Law
• Association of Attenders and Alumni of the Hague Academy of International Law
Other Professional Activities
Completed Training on European Law, EU/ECEILAW-GOPA, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia 2006, 10-22 October
Participated in Study Tour at European University Institute, Florence, Bologna University, Italy, 2006, 2-10 December
Completed a Training Course in European Union Law, 13-22 October, 2006, Tsakhkadzor, Armenia.
Attended the Scientific-practical annual conference Fifth Martens Readings devoted to contemporary problems of International Humanitarian Law delivering a speech, St. Petersburg, Russia, 27-28 September, 2005.
Attended the lectures of the Summer Session on Public International Law Hague Academy of International Law, and The Hague, Netherlands, July 25 until August 12, 2005.
Attended The Warsaw Seminar on International Humanitarian Law, organized by the ICRC and Polish Red Cross Society, from 5t h to15th July, 2004, Warsaw, Poland.
The Implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court into National Legislation, Conference, Organized by Armenian Association of International Law and ICRC, 13th May 2004, Yerevan, Armenia.
Took part in International Conference ''International Criminal Court and South Caucasus States'', organized by the Institute of European Law and International Law of Human Rights (ELHRILI) and Open Society Justice Initiative, 29.02.,-1.03.2004. Tbilisi, Georgia.
Completed a 4 day Training Course (founded by UK Foreign Office) on “Promoting Compliance of the European Convention on Human Rights”- organized by British East West Center and Center of Comparative Jurisprudence, 23-26 August, 2003 * Yerevan, Armenia.
Language and Computer Skills:
Armenian (mother tongue), Russian (mother tongue), English (fluent reading, writing, and oral skills), French (basic skills).
Knowledge of MS Office package (Word, Excel, Access), Internet research skills.
(+374 60) 71-02-55 (inner line 12-55)