Karen M. Movsisyan
Educational Background
1959 - 1964: Graduated from Yerevan State University, Faculty of Physics,
Specialization: Radiophysics and Electronics Qualification: Radiophysics
1983: Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D.), “Generation of Difference Frequency Radiation and its Application for Determination the Parameters of Lasers and Nonlinear Crystals” 1983, Institute for Physical Research of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
Research and Work Experience
1965 - 1973: Lecturer (assistant), Yerevan State University
1973 - 1985: Lecturer, Yerevan State University
1985 - up to now: Associate Professor, Yerevan State University
1990 - up to now: Vice-chancellor of Faculty of Radiophysics, Yerevan State University
Academic courses/Teaching & Training Experiences
Lectures for Graduate and Postgraduate Courses on the subjects:
Еlectricity and Magnetism, Radio Engineering and oscillation theory, Microwave engineering, Radio receiver systems
Main Research Interests/ Expertise
Microwave generation by laser frequency conversion methods
Electromagnetic Wave Detection
Current research interests
Difference frequency generation of laser radiation
Electromagnetic Wave Detection
Awards, Honors
“Anania Shirakatsi” medal, 2009
Certificate of honor YSU-80
Member of Council of Radiophysics Faculty
Language skills
Fluent in Armenian and Russian,
English (with dictionary)
1959 - 1964: Graduated from Yerevan State University, Faculty of Physics,
Specialization: Radiophysics and Electronics Qualification: Radiophysics
1983: Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences (Ph.D.), “Generation of Difference Frequency Radiation and its Application for Determination the Parameters of Lasers and Nonlinear Crystals” 1983, Institute for Physical Research of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia
Research and Work Experience
1965 - 1973: Lecturer (assistant), Yerevan State University
1973 - 1985: Lecturer, Yerevan State University
1985 - up to now: Associate Professor, Yerevan State University
1990 - up to now: Vice-chancellor of Faculty of Radiophysics, Yerevan State University
Academic courses/Teaching & Training Experiences
Lectures for Graduate and Postgraduate Courses on the subjects:
Еlectricity and Magnetism, Radio Engineering and oscillation theory, Microwave engineering, Radio receiver systems
Main Research Interests/ Expertise
Current research interests
Awards, Honors
Language skills
Fluent in Armenian and Russian,
English (with dictionary)