Zarouhi H. Vartapetian
1988-1993 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, English Language Department (Graduation diploma-Philologist, teacher, translator)
Academic degree
2006 - “Linguostylistic Peculiarities of Business Correspondence in English”, Diploma of Candidate of Philology (PhD) by Supreme Certifying Commission of the RA
Professional experience
2007 - English assistant instructor, English Language Department N2, Yerevan State University
1993 - 2007 English instructor, English Language Department N2, Yerevan State University
1993 - Laboratory assistant, Department of English Philology, Yerevan State University
Academic courses
General English, Business English, Political English
Scale of professional interests
Linguostylistics, linguostylistic analysis of business communication and business correspondence,
linguistic analysis of business vocabulary
Qualification courses
2008 - Instructors’ Qualification Course, Yerevan State University (Certificate of English Philology)
2007 - Instructors’ Pedagogical-Psychological Training Course, Yerevan State University (Certificate)
2007 - Oxford University Press Course, organised by Oxford Teacher’s Academy, Yerevan (Certificate of Attendance)
2003 - Instructors’ Qualification Course, Yerevan State University (Certificate of English language Speciality)
1998 - Computer Courses, Applied Biotechnology Institute, first, second grades (Certificates-MS-DOS, NC, Windows, Word, Excel)
1995-1996 French Teaching Centre, second, third grades (GIA-Groupement Interprofessionnel Armenien-Attestation CEFRA)
Presentations at Conferences
1999 - “Teaching Business Letter Writing in English”, Conference on ESP devoted to the 80 th anniversary of Yerevan State University
1997 - “Developing Business Communication Skills in English”, Conference on Semiotics and Language Teaching, Yerevan State University
Armenian, Russian, English (fluent), Frеnch (good), German (fair)
1988-1993 Yerevan State University, Faculty of Romance and Germanic Philology, English Language Department (Graduation diploma-Philologist, teacher, translator)
Academic degree
2006 - “Linguostylistic Peculiarities of Business Correspondence in English”, Diploma of Candidate of Philology (PhD) by Supreme Certifying Commission of the RA
Professional experience
2007 - English assistant instructor, English Language Department N2, Yerevan State University
1993 - 2007 English instructor, English Language Department N2, Yerevan State University
1993 - Laboratory assistant, Department of English Philology, Yerevan State University
Academic courses
General English, Business English, Political English
Scale of professional interests
Linguostylistics, linguostylistic analysis of business communication and business correspondence,
linguistic analysis of business vocabulary
Qualification courses
2008 - Instructors’ Qualification Course, Yerevan State University (Certificate of English Philology)
2007 - Instructors’ Pedagogical-Psychological Training Course, Yerevan State University (Certificate)
2007 - Oxford University Press Course, organised by Oxford Teacher’s Academy, Yerevan (Certificate of Attendance)
2003 - Instructors’ Qualification Course, Yerevan State University (Certificate of English language Speciality)
1998 - Computer Courses, Applied Biotechnology Institute, first, second grades (Certificates-MS-DOS, NC, Windows, Word, Excel)
1995-1996 French Teaching Centre, second, third grades (GIA-Groupement Interprofessionnel Armenien-Attestation CEFRA)
Presentations at Conferences
1999 - “Teaching Business Letter Writing in English”, Conference on ESP devoted to the 80 th anniversary of Yerevan State University
1997 - “Developing Business Communication Skills in English”, Conference on Semiotics and Language Teaching, Yerevan State University
Armenian, Russian, English (fluent), Frеnch (good), German (fair)