Gagik A. Soghomonyan
1973-1978 Department of Philosophy, Faculty of History, YSU.
1978-1981 PhD student at the Chair of Historical Materialism and Ethics, YSU
Scientific degree
Ph.D. “Sociocultural peculiarities of transitive society”, 2003
Professional experience
1981 - 1993: Assistant Professor at the Chair of Historical Materialism and Ethics, Yerevan State University.
1993 - 1995: Deputy of Rector at High School of RA MIA
1996 - 2002: Assistant at the Chair of Social Philosophy and Ethics, Yerevan State University.
2004 - 2007: lecturer at the Vazgen theological school
Since 2003: Associate Professor at the Chair of Social Philosophy and Ethics, Yerevan State University.
Teaching Courses
Philosophy of history
Philosophy of freedom
Philosophy of culture
Philosophical anthropology
Sociocultural security
Scope of scientific interests
Social philosophy
Philosophical anthropology
Transformative society
Participation in grants
2008 - 2010: The spiritual crisis of modernity and its peculiarities in contemporary transformative Armenian society
Armenian, Russian, French
Specialization membership
Member of Scientific Council at the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology
Member of Methodic Council at the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology
1973-1978 Department of Philosophy, Faculty of History, YSU.
1978-1981 PhD student at the Chair of Historical Materialism and Ethics, YSU
Scientific degree
Ph.D. “Sociocultural peculiarities of transitive society”, 2003
Professional experience
1981 - 1993: Assistant Professor at the Chair of Historical Materialism and Ethics, Yerevan State University.
1993 - 1995: Deputy of Rector at High School of RA MIA
1996 - 2002: Assistant at the Chair of Social Philosophy and Ethics, Yerevan State University.
2004 - 2007: lecturer at the Vazgen theological school
Since 2003: Associate Professor at the Chair of Social Philosophy and Ethics, Yerevan State University.
Teaching Courses
Philosophy of history
Philosophy of freedom
Philosophy of culture
Philosophical anthropology
Sociocultural security
Scope of scientific interests
Social philosophy
Philosophical anthropology
Transformative society
Participation in grants
2008 - 2010: The spiritual crisis of modernity and its peculiarities in contemporary transformative Armenian society
Armenian, Russian, French
Specialization membership
Member of Scientific Council at the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology
Member of Methodic Council at the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology