ISBN 978-5-8084-2422-7
The textbook examines the processes of labor migration in the EU and their impact on the labor market and trade unions. The main attention is paid to internal and external labor migration. The textbook focuses on the social dialogue of labor migration at the EU level, triangular cooperation and social agreements in European countries, collective bargaining procedures and expansion. The textbook analyzes the activity of social partners (European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and employer associations at the European and national levels), mechanisms for informing, advising and participating workers in decision-making. The textbook is devoted to a wide range of issues related to European labor migration and trade unions in a globalizing world. The theoretical aspects of studying the impact of labor migration on various spheres of life in the European community, including on the demographic level, population, labor market, regional development, social policy and security, are comprehensively examined. Particular attention is paid to the protection of social rights and freedoms of labor migrants in the EU.
The textbook is designed for students, PhD-students, teachers, researchers and government officials. The study materials in the textbook were prepared as part of the course “Labor migration policy: EU and the South Caucasus”, implemented as part of the Jean Monnet Module program.

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Тигран Симян

Каринэ Халатова